Proper Commercial Process
PROPER COMMERCIAL PROCESS **This is an older presentation from back in 2011. It is for educational purposes only and you take responsibility for any applications used by this presentation. I am going to keep this short and sweet. A friend and fellow member of Matrix...
Non Compos Mentis
NON COMPOS MENTISAudio Notes Earlier this month, The Senate scheduled a hearing to discuss the issue of the blockchain technology and the cryptocurrency boom that has come from it. This conversation touches on this currently trending topic at the beginning. Then David...
HUMBLENESSAudio NotesOn any given day, David receives numerous Emails. Most are positive and inquisitive. Some Emails that come in have a mindset that there is something David has missed and therefore, his conclusions are wrong. The biggest mistake anyone can make is...
Cestui Que Vie Trust
CESTUI QUE VIE TRUST Original Email Date: January 3, 2019 1302. Unam Sanctam. The spiritual Man judges of all things and he himself is judged by no Man. Cestui Qui Vie, 1666, section IV. If the supposed Man prove to be alive, then the Title is revested. Action...
UCC Redemption is Being Passed Off as “Self-Determination”
UCC REDEMPTION IS BEING PASSED OFF AS "SELF-DETERMINATION"Original Email Date: January 4, 2019 David; I just came across someone speaking about self-determination. Do you know this person? Here is the link below if you go to the 33:00 mark he starts speaking of it. ...
Subrogation Explained
SUBROGATION EXPLAINEDOriginal Email Date: January 9, 2019Order of this Email Post:1. Original Email Inquiry2. Audio Conversation3. David's Actually Email Response4. Kathrine Shultz video presentation on "Being Wrong" Why MUST you come out? Because the Law of Nature;...
Request Comment: Secure Party Creditor
REQUEST COMMENT: SECURE PARTY CREDITOR Original Email: March 1, 2019SubmissionDavid; I was watching a sarah westall program 2018 and you were her guest. I am in the middle of filing ucc1 papers and others to change my legal position from suretybondeddebtor to...
Proper Use of PMA’s
PROPER USE OF PMA'S Audio Notes Time: 21:22 This Audio Conversation is between Gary and David. They discuss the idea and purpose of PMA's or Private Membership Associations. This conversation came about after learning of a group going by multiple names: 1). The United...
Response to Kurtis Kallenbach
RESPONSE TO KURTIS KALLENBACH In this presentation, Members of the DoM discuss a comment made by Kurt Kallenbach and Darren DeLeon. David will show you the double-minded nature of Kurt Kallenbach using his own videos along with others who have dealt with him in the...
Discussing Keith Livingway’s Claims & Slander
DISCUSSING KEITH LIVINGWAY'S CLAIMS & SLANDERParticipants: David WilliamsBryan ParkerJohn Herndon Today's Phone-Cast has two parts. The first conversation is 38-minutes and the second is 44-minutes. Both focus on Keith Livingway and the nonsense he is spreading...
Email From Typical Sovereign Citizen to Podcaster on Lack of Research
EMAIL FROM TYPICAL SOVEREIGN CITIZEN TO PODCASTER ON LACK OF RESEARCH *Note: This Email communication was prompted because of an email that was forwarded to David Williams regarding Emails received from various groups within the Sovereign Citizen Domestic Terrorist...
Inquiry on Email About Sovereign Citizens Lack of Research
INQUIRY ON EMAIL ABOUT SOVEREIGN CITIZENS LACK OF RESEARCH *Note: This Email inquiry was prompted because of David's response to a forwarded Email (posted on MSNetwork as "EMAIL FROM TYPICAL SOVEREIGN CITIZEN TO PODCASTER ON LACK OF RESEARCH"). The original Email...