

Original Email Date: January 3, 2019

1302.  Unam Sanctam.  The spiritual Man judges of all things and he himself is judged by no Man. 
Cestui Qui Vie, 1666, section IV.  If the supposed Man prove to be alive, then the Title is revested.  Action for mean profits with interest.  When a Man proves life he is revested with his Title.
Rerum Novarum, 1891.  On Capital and Labor.  13 and 14.  The father has all the power. 
1883, Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property. 
The Okeechobee County Recorder Clerk(s) Office denied/punished me and refused to record my Notice and Affidavit to the public about my Memorials, asking to show my legal authority.  What is the Florida statue code number for the recording of a Notice?  Failure to site the code on my letter of instruction(s).  Is there a more friendly County Recorder Clerk which will record my Notice?  I need these fully authenticated documents re-registered.  Thanks.  james.
INITIAL NOTE:  You are a US citizen and not a party of access to Unam Sanctum, Rerum Novarum or anything else you mentioned here.  These references have been changed and you weren’t involved in the writing, issue, or ratification of any of these rules.  US citizens HAVE NO RIGHTS.
ADDITIONAL INFOMy Red Bold Italics are “tied together” by reference and this Note and my answer.
Where is this nonsense coming from about “Cestui Que Vie” trust.?  Who either told you or taught you that you can “use” this law….as a US citizen or Brazilian or whatever you happen to be at the moment?
Here is the definition…He who has a right to a beneficial interest in and out of an estate the legal title to which is vested in another.
Do you know the Ecclesiastical purpose and meaning of this type of Trust.?  It is to “buy and sell slaves and souls”. 
You have “beneficial interest” only.  They have “legal title”.   He who has “legal title”…dictates all rights, including extending “no rights” to the “interest only party”.  You are operating “their ecclesiastical/Military/Sovereign trust” as a slave so that you can feed yourself and increase the National Debt; which the True Beneficial holds “over your head” as an asset.  Slaves are transferred ‘in and out” of this type of Trust…as the “legal holder” dictates.  
Read the attachment.
I don’t understand how the El..ites can put out movies like THE MATRIXwherein “They” tell everyone the absolute Truth…” you were born a slave”; and yet, people still think that they have “RIGHTS” without getting out of the system.  
The system would be Code of Fed Regs, Title 48…aka FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATION SYSTEM…aka; the FAR Matrix….aka FAR M.  This includes all of the “81 x 81 Leontief Matrix” which “set in stone” the Keynesian Debt Based Input-Output Economics that are utilized by the Military Industrial Complex
This system is taught in almost every University and School of Economics, today.   Federal Acquisition means that you were “acquired” and registered = enrolled) by your father and mother “into this matrix” and to “get out of the system”; you must “get into a different system/State/status” other than debtor-slave chattel-property of the CESTUI QUE VIE.  
This is not what They (someone) did “for” you.   It is what They did “to Ewe” due to your acquiescence and consent; which they have based on your failure to “quit the Society and State at the age of discretion”.  
As a US Citizen American…being “enemy of the State”…or any other “subject-citizen” as pledged property to the Central Banks of the World; you are in the category of “adverse party”.  Since you’re trying to “access the Cestui Que vie” via being a US Subject….then the DEFINITION of “beneficial interest” can be found in the IRS code at Section 672:

(a)Adverse party

For purposes of this subpart, the term “adverse party” means any person having a substantial beneficial interest in the trust which would be adversely affected by the exercise or non-exercise of the power which he possesses respecting the trust. A person having a general power of appointment over the trust property shall be deemed to have a beneficial interest in the trust 

The fact that you have or are claiming a “substantial beneficial interest” IN THEIR TRUST THAT THEY SET UP FOR THEMSELVES as the Beneficiaries (not beneficial interest holder)….makes you the ADVERSE PARTY in trespass of the Master (or Masters’) Trust; by which The Trustee (They) issued you a 9-digit bank routing number in order to “use Debt-based Usury”…in Their Treasury or Trade Usury/(debt–ded, dead, and/or wages of death paradigm).  None of this belongs to you….ewe are “using Their Trust” as the Adverse Party.
Here’s the bottom line…until you exercise Self Determination and “come out of the system and Self Govern (join a self-governing body politic)”…it doesn’t matter what you can prove.  This “dead or alive” crap is just that….crap.  They know you’re alive.  What they want is the “living being who moved the pen”.  They want the “guild party or guilt party”.  Guild/guilt means “to make”.  They are looking for “the one that makes thing” or “sets things in motion” for THE TRUST…the one that was the Prime Mover of the Dead Entity Corpse or Corporation with the 9-digit Accountability Number (meaning Their Bank Trust Number…for the IRS which uses the Bank Accounting Method when  issuing their “charging instrument”.   
Why MUST you come out?  Because the Law of Nature; ie: the Law of Nations….states that once you come to the age discretion, if you don’t find it advantageous to remain within the State/Society for which you were destined by birth, then you are at liberty to QUIT IT.  If you don’t exercise self-determination and become a part of a self-governing Society and “nation” State; then you have not “quit it”….or done anything “necessary and proper” to your own cause.  Everything you do from that point forward is a trespass across Contract Rights that you don’t have.
It is obvious that you “don’t find it advantageous”…otherwise you would not be trying to file said Notice.   However, this gains you no Status, since you have failed to Assume your Separate and Equal Station among the Powers of the Earth.  If those said Powers claim that They are alive….and you are not Equal to Them via the exercise of the Power of Self Government….then maybe the assumption that you must be dead.    All I know is that “the county recorder” ain’t the records keeper for the Cestui Que Vie…and until you exercise Self Determination; you have a citizenship contract, pledge and oath to Their State/nation/plantation; or in the alternative, IF it be the case that you are a citizen of a foreign State or you are stateless….then you “subject to” the Territorial Jurisdiction of the Territorial Controlling Authority of the Territory that you are found in.  Without any Recognized Immunity that stipulates that you have a “variation of the agreement/citizenship” or a “modification of treaty” for same…then it’s RES IPSA LOQUITOR.
They will not file any such documents and should not file them.  They would be considered fallacious and technically a violation of the International Public Order, a breach of U.S. Public Policy, and a Breach of the Peace….because they have no clue what nefarious purpose(s) that you might intend to use them for.
Conclusion:   They HAVE YOU.  The Matrix Has you Neo.  This means coming and going; whether you use the Trust or don’t use the Trust, i.e.: “exercise power or don’t exercise power respecting the trust….you are ADVERSE to the Trust because “it ain’t your Trust”.   You are the “mere user” in accordance with Senate Document 42 of April 17th, 1933.  And, now you’re trying to claim something by using ecclesiastical law that doesn’t apply, in order to claim or control something that does not belong to you.  In other words, without exercising Self Determination…you are “damned if you do and damned if you don’t.  Welcome to the Desert of the Real, Neo.
Read the Attachment on Cestui Que Vie…where “They” move slaves in and out of Their Trust.
I hope that helps;