I will respond to your email point by point below:
Hi, again David,
You have no idea what your input and sharing of information means to me, and my deepest gratitude is yours.
I’m including a few interesting bits about government & UPU, but you probably already know about it.
I will be presenting another WaterWisdom workshop tomorrow for one of the groups I work with, where I will be introducing the DoM to them. Some of them might be able to afford the entry fee & get in touch with you, as all of them without exception want out of the system.
I have worked with many different groups, (still working with some) and one has around 900 members, with about 80 of them having cracked the system, brought forth a land patent under absolute claim of right and accessed their creditor standing after sitting the final tests with Treasury. I am not part of this group anymore, as everything they do is based on the trading with the enemy act, birth certificate bullshit and the fact that the world is in bankruptcy. Australia came out of liquidation on 15 April 2017 already, so nobody is collateral for currency anymore. All global currency is also following this, going into gold backed.
A Patent is a License…it is not SOVEREIGN TITLE to Land. Kings and Queens “licensed” men…like Sir Walter Raleigh; by “grant and letters patent”. They have NOT accessed their “creditor standing”…because they ARE NOT THE CREDITOR…..PERIOD. This is a Dragnet.
If they have not exercised Self Determination and become Self Governing..then they have done NOTHING (but waste their time). Filing “land patents” does not change “citizenship contract”. If they have not “pledged life, fortune and honor”…then they have not exercised Self Government. If they are not “building” among the Family of Nations…then they have done nothing. This is a Dragnet and they have NO CLUE what they are facing.
Birth Certs…do not matter. Citizens were citizens and subjects thousands of years before that crap. Bankrupt nations are irrelevant…if you are a citizen of one; then “you owe whatever the Nation requires” back to the Creditor. The doctrine of “E Pluribus Unum” applies in ALL CASES….in relation to “subject-citizen-national-debt/slaves). Australia is NOT OUT OF DEBT…and the currency is still debt-based. I just looked it up online.
I don’t care if it is gold backed…currency is not “required to be backed”…except by the Sovereign or Sovereign Authority of the Nation. “If” they want to base that on human labor….as determined by actuarial tables set up by the IRS or ATO…then ‘IT IS BACKED”. Everyone believes in the bullshit. Gold price is just as Arbitrary as anything else. It cost the same to get silver out of the ground as it does gold…and look at the price. All of this crap is based on “human perception”. Gold is no more valuable than a glass of water…the “price” is someone’s “opinion”.
England was it’s most prosperous under the tally stick system…because the “govt” backed it with the Sovereign’s guarantee…and “printed them without bonds and debt”. (just like a Casino does poker chips). Read the BABYLONIAN WOE….and you will find that (these) people do not understand a monetary system.
By not telling the people about the fact that they are finally free, (usufruct) they have successfully completed the merger between the king and the priest, making the bank the only owner, jury, judge, executioner and owner of souls in one. Obviously they had to disband the Vatican, Londontown & UPU during this process, which is rapidly falling apart as we speak.
Usufruct is just more bullshit. THEY are not falling apart. That is nothing but a smokescreen and propaganda for PAYTRIDIOTS to “consume and digest”. They are in more control than ever…and They are about to ‘LOCK IT ON A BLOCK AND CHAIN” called “blockchain”. This is how you train these little baby elephants.
With nobody able to own any property, and having to abide by all rules, laws and regulations, with the bank garnishing any amount of money whenever they feel like it and all governments, states, corporations and other entities owned by the same bank, we obviously just change prisons by trying to follow the right to self determination, with the ultimate slave-master still the Crown corporation, entitled to everything on the planet.
This is the ONLY WAY TO VARY THE AGREEMENT SO THAT THE LIABILITY FOR USE OF RESOURCES…does not stick to you…due to IMMUNIZATION…called POLITICAL IMMUNITY. You do not have my course material and I can still “see” the program running. Morpheus told NEO…a ‘prison for your mind’. You eat an elephant one step at a time. I’ve had people complain that “there must be more to this than just Self Determination”. Well… must be a Self Governing and Self Determinant Individual ….within a Self Determinant society…FIRST. No one can ever see the “next mountain” until they climb the first mountain. Staying “in the valley” means you don’t reach your peak.
In my own case I left Zambia as dead, got revived in South Africa and left South Africa behind with hardly anything, after having been 100% debt free with a beautiful tourism business, lovely home and a wildlife sanctuary, and the blueprint for increasing the conservation project to 64,000 hectares. Obviously all conservation projects are earmarked for mining, which is the meaning of reserve (re-served for later use) which is exactly what happened. (slaughtering whites like sheep, one of them my brother) What is rather funny is that if I had several millions I would have lost it anyway, as it would simply be forfeited. In New Zealand I realized that the 1080 genocide there is driven by Australia, so I moved closer to the real problem, with WaterWisdom as the only remaining tool and very little else. New Zealand is just a big Aussie farm.
United States FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATION MATRIX…..the Real Matrix….and everyone got acquired by the acquisition. This is why “nothing has changed”…because the bullshit propaganda is that “those at the top” have lost control. Yea???? To who? These are the smartest folks on the planet and they hire the smartest folks on the planet to do Their bidding. Anyone that “thinks” that they have outsmarted the Rothschilds …is INSANE. They have agents and agencies operating 24 hours per day…7 days per week…in every time zone; and in every society, tribe, and community…on this planet. There are 33000 Jesuits alone…..Do you think that these dirt poor farm tard debtors in AUS….can compete with this? Human nature is the problem here…NOT THEM.
While In New Zealand I did help build businesses into spectacular success stories, as I invented the concept of minus to zero, how to trade in goods without using any money. This is a concept I learned when I was given the opportunity to destroy a sinking Jewish business in SA, while working with the early McDonald’s empire (Jewish school). Instead of sinking it, I turned it to such a success that the MD who sold his shares in it actually bought them back, at a much higher price. (Of course he wanted to kill me!)
Being out of the economy and without a bank account (I will become the debtor by using a surname) there is no way that I will be able to pay anyway, as it will simply fall into the Corporation coffers. All governments are bank owned, and their god is money.
I AM NOT BANK OWNED…and neither is DoM. Variation by Agreement and Modification of Treaty…”dictate” where “liability” falls. It does not “fall” on me. If beans are the resource that I need…and “USD” is the “resource” that Walmart “needs”…then I give them Their Resource. Resources are just like BEAUTY….” in the eyes of the beholder”. As my grandmother taught me as a child…” one man’s trash is another man’s treasure”. You have a false view of “resources”; because you are not “taking human nature as it is”. Even that BY-BA’AL says…”if a man is asking for a loaf of bread, you do not give him a rock”. If I am shipping a container of humanitarian aid to Haiti…and the ship captain asks me for A TON OF RICE as payment…then I give him a ton of rice. IF he asked for “paper or plastic” relating to USD, GBP, or AUD…THEN I AM HONOR-BOUND TO GIVE HIM WHAT HE ASKS FOR…otherwise, I don’t get what I want…which is delivery of my cargo. If I go to Walmart…they want “paper or plastic”…not “gold and silver rocks”. If I know this in advance…and I offer them silver rocks…knowing that SOP means that they will never accept it…THEN I AM THE ONE IN DISHONOR.
You are correct in saying that there is no way out, but that the leash can be slightly extended.
Political Immunity via ACCEPTING TOTAL RESPONSIBILITY TO SELF GOVERN and to BUILD a new/neo Society….is not a “slight extension” and those words have never crossed my lips. The extension of Immunity VERSUS having No Immunity…is the same as night and day. And being “E Pluribus Unum” with a bunch of debtor slaves that are heinous and don’t care….means that not only are you GUILTY….but you have ‘”CLOTHED YOURSELF WITH EVERYONE ELSE’S DISHONOR”.
As AGREED in the international law…by Treaty….” the federated state/society is viewed as a Sole Person in the eyes of international law”.
Everything else is a childhood ‘treehouse” PRETEND MENTAL GAME….whereby humans falsely believe that they are not guilty due to some mental b.s.; aka….belief system.
I will however promote your idea with whatever means I can, so please feel free to let me know if the DoM is a Crown owned entity or not, and how anything can have anything to do with money that is not Crown owned. In legal maxims there is this thing that in all cases equity prevails, but it is rather pointless when it is pre-owned, as whenever anybody moves from one country to another, the only real thing that moves is that 9 digit trust account.
If you had my material…this would not be a question that I would need to answer for the 5000th time.
There is also this story that PRIVATE is a military term, and that the military protects the contract, and that the contract protects the gold, and while we are in the private as part of the military, they have to give us safe passage from point A to B as we are neutral, peaceful and non-combatant. I haven’t got a clue if it is true. Here are the bits and pieces about the UPU & Post office:
POST OFFICE. A place where letters are received to be sent to the persons to whom they, are addressed.
By virtue of this constitutional authority, congress passed several laws anterior to the third day of March, 1825, when an act, entitled “An act to reduce into one the several acts establishing and regulating the post office department,” was passed. 3 Story, U. S. 1985. It is thereby enacted, 1. That there be established, the seat of the governmentof the United States, a general post office, under the direction of a postmaster general. The postmaster general shall appoint two assistants, and such clerks as may be necessary for the performance of the business of his office, and as are authorized by law; and shall procure, and cause to be kept, a seal for the said office, which shall be affixed to commissions of postmasters, and used to authenticate all transcripts and copies which may be required from the department.
This “stuff” is all meaningless to me. This has been around for thousands of years…and I accept that it has. There was a “postal system” in Babylon. Nothing new here. The Roman Curia has always had “Curiers”…aka couriers and carriers. And as far as “seat of Government”; this entire planet has runs via ‘concurrent jurisdiction” under either FEDERALISM or Suzerainty. The seat of government is no different than the 10 square inch Seat of a Farm Tractor. You run the Tractor and whatever it “pulls”…FROM THE SEAT.