UPDATE: This video is no longer available because the YouTube Channel associated with it no longer exist. Therefore, the Response remains but without the video.
BACKGROUND: This is a comment David gave on a YouTube video from “High-Frequency Radio” titled “Affidavit of Walker Todd”. The video is provided below and David’s comment is below the video. The comment was published on May 30th, 2019. The total length of the video is 53:53.
You’re definitely not a dynamic speaker and you definitely do not understand “law”…or “Constitutions”….or “codes”…or the LAW OF NATIONS or how Societies operate.
The Constitution of the People of the United States FOR the United States of America IS NOT THE LAW. You called it “a Source of Law”. The Padleford Case states that the “constitution is a Compact”. The “source of law” is the “Compact Source for Creating LAWS, rules, statutes, codes and public policy” that GOVERN A SOCIETY. That is what a compact is and does.
As stated in Article 6… the “Constitution AND ALL LAWS PASSED in pursuance thereof…and ALL TREATIES MADE …..Shall be Supreme Law and enforced by ALL JUDGES IN EVERY STATE….” Therefore, these 3 together FORM the SUPREME LAW under a federal system; where the States of Sub-units Under the Central Authority of the Federal Government of the People of the United States for the United States of America. The Constitution created an Aristocratic Republic…which is why only a handful of men HAD THE RIGHT TO VOTE. All Republics are based on Roman Law where there is a Head of State (monarch, Caesar, dictator, prime minister, or President) and a Senate or Senatus Romanus.
Since the Law of Nations is mentioned in Article 1, Section 8…Book 1, § 3. Of the several kinds of government.
If the body of the nation keep in its own hands the empire, or the right to command, it is a Popular government, a Democracy; if it intrust it to a certain number of citizens, to a senate, it establishes an Aristocratic republic; finally, if it confide the government to a single person, the state becomes a Monarch. (A POPULAR GOVERNMENT IS A DEMOCRACY…and you don’t have a Democracy because you “intrusted” the government over the Society to a “certain number of citizens”.
Book 1 Section 38; lays out this FACT…that EWE are not the Sovereign.
the sovereignty is that public authority which commands in civil society, and orders and directs what each citizen is to perform, to obtain the end of its institution. This authority originally and essentially belonged to the body of society…But the body of the society does not always retain in its own hands this sovereign authority: it frequently intrusts it to a senate, or to a single person. That Senate, or that person, is then the sovereign.
Conclusion 1. EWE have not “retained Sovereignty in your hands” because by pleading and standing on that Constitution; EWE have “other citizens’ that have “the Sovereignty over EWE”.
The term….”Popular Sovereignty”…. is not a term that is even mentioned in the Constitution. Further, as George Mason said when they debated on “Popular Vote”….he made it clear that “giving the common man the right of vote is the same as giving a blind man a choice of colors”. it seems that these “so-called Founding Fathers”…were not “your father” and considered EWE the “intellectually inferior”.
In addition, at Article 1 Section 8; Congress has the POWER….”to pass all laws necessary and proper”. If the Constitution was “the Law” (and not the Source of Authority for passing ALL LAWS)…THEN there would be no need for “other laws” to Necessarily and Properly be passed. This is further proven by Patrick Henry in his June 7, 1788 speech…”Yet this Constitution can counteract and suspend any of our (state) laws, that contravene its oppressive operation; for they have the power of direct taxation; which suspends our Bill of Rights; and it is expressly provided, that they can make all laws necessary for carrying their powers into execution; and it is declared superior to the laws and constitutions of the States. Consider how the only remaining defense we have left is destroyed in this manner. Besides the expenses of maintaining the Senate and other House in as much splendor as they please, there is to be a great and mighty President, with very extensive powers; the powers of a King: He is to be supported in extravagant magnificence: So that the whole of our property may be taken by this American Government, by laying what taxes they please, giving themselves what salaries they please, and suspending our laws at their pleasure:”
If this was not enough; John Quincy Adams wrote in his 1839 JUBILEE OF THE CONSTITUTION; that “the President has MORE THAN DICTATORIAL POWERS”. He was the 6th President and his Father…who passed the Sedition Act…the 2nd President. I take it as fact that since he “wrote” THE RULES….and/or became President via those RULES…then he knew exactly the facts about which he wrote.
Federalism means “concurrent jurisdiction” between the State and the Federal government…and is comparable to SUZERAINTY. The Padleford Case states that ‘THE States, in making the Constitution, INTENDED to give up the power of Self Preservation”. The States do not …and have never…signed a Treaty. In the Dyett case in Utah….the judge wrote that “the states are nothing but closely regulated subunits in the Federal System”.
Padleford also states that “it is clear that the Constitution is a compact…and equally clear that you are not a party to it”. EWE are not party to…and have an “allegiance” to the Federal Government…by which allegiance that occurred by “naturally born” processes; means that you are a party to that “allegiance” by being ‘SUBJECT OF IT” and subjected to it.
The SEAT OF GOVERNMENT….is 10 miles square; and just like the “County Seat” governs “the County”…and just like a 10 square inch SEAT ON A TRACTOR…it is the place where you “govern and control” the entire Tractor….and/or Society. The Jurisdiction of the U.S.A. is now GLOBAL due to “expanded Universal Jurisdiction” and the “Charter of the United Nations” (specifically Article 24).
And this b.s. about “money has no value” is A LIE and FALSE. A “NOTE’ has a value on the “note”….like any “debt”…it has a value. It will buy beans at Walmart because the FRN is classified as a Resource. This means that “value” and “resources” “is in the Mind of the Beholder”…and “if” someone hands you a 10 oz bar of silver….it will buy the equivalent amount (~167.00) in FRNs/USD.
Finally…..there is no such thing as a “derivative of law”. If Congress passed it…or an agency is enforcing it (policy), then that LAW or CODE is the “law” that derived its source of Authority from the Constitution that granted it to them. That Power came from 39 men, who left that Power to Their Posterity…of which YOU’ ARE NOT A MEMBER. Under Private International Law…some of those families have been “booted out”…and therefore; based on Senate Report 93-549….you really have no Constitution.
The dictator LINCOLN moved Congress out and passed the Leiber Code…the government of armies…and the CODE IS THE LAW; aka MARTIAL LAW. Since the “necessary and proper clause” was extended to every agent and agencies per the WAR POWERS ACT; then the reality is that EWE HAVE NOTHING…and it all belongs to the PTB.
You’re a novice that is trespassing all over the Rules….who has no Standing…and who thinks himself free when he is a slave (meaning that EWE makes a great slave…although you are not a lawyer, don’t know LAW…and can’t understand it when EWE do read it. This was not “made for you’….it was MADE FOR EWE.
EWE is a “natural born citizen”…and under the NECESSARY AND PROPER CLAUSE…to which you have agreed; EWE are part of the American Society and bound by DUTY and OBLIGATION TO IT.
LAW OF NATIONS, Book 1; § 212. Citizens and natives…
The citizens are the members of the civil society; bound to this society by certain duties, and subject to its authority, they equally participate in its advantages. The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens. As the society cannot exist and perpetuate itself otherwise than by the children of the citizens, those children naturally follow the condition of their fathers and succeed to all their rights. The society is supposed to desire this, in consequence of what it owes to its own preservation; and it is presumed, as matter of course, that each citizen, on entering into society, reserves to his children the right of becoming members of it. The country of the fathers is, therefore, that of the children; and these become true citizens merely by their tacit consent. We shall soon see whether, on their coming to the years of discretion, they may renounce their right, and what they owe to the society in which they were born.
A nation, or the sovereign who represents it, may grant to a foreigner the quality of citizen, by admitting him into the body of the political society. This is called naturalization.
1. The children are bound by natural ties to the society in which they were born; they are under an obligation to show themselves grateful for the protection it has afforded to their fathers, and are in a great measure indebted to it for their birth and education. They ought, therefore, to love it, as we have already shown (§ 122), to express a just gratitude to it, and require its services as far as possible, by serving it in turn. We have observed above (§ 212), that they have a right to enter into the society of which their fathers were members.
2. As soon as the son of a citizen attains the age of manhood, and acts as a citizen, he tacitly assumes that character; his obligations, like those of others who expressly and formally enter into engagements with society, become stronger and more extensive:
April 17, 1934…., SENATE RESOLUTION #62, Document #43; 73rd Congress 1st Session, all property of United States Citizens is owned by the State. “The ultimate ownership of all property is in the State; individual so-called “ownership” is only by virtue of Government, i.e. law, amounting to mere user; and use must be in accordance with the law, and subordinate to the necessities of the State.”
The only way to divest oneself of United States citizenship is by undergoing a Naturalization process in a Foreign Nation-state. Kiyokuro Okimura v Acheson; 9 Fed Supp. Page 587 (Hawaii 1951)
EWE novices and Sovereignty Pretenders need to learn how to INTERPRET WHAT YOU READ. “100 subscribers a day” does not prove that EWE ARE CORRECT. They already don’t know…and listening to you only puts them further INTO A DRAGNET. That’s what this information is…CHUM FOR A U.S. GOVERNMENT DRAGNET.