

*Note: This Email communication was prompted because of an email that was forwarded to David Williams regarding Emails received from various groups within the Sovereign Citizen Domestic Terrorist movement. The original Email was sent to David on June 2, 2019, with David’s response sent later in the day.  All references mentioned throughout the Email Exchange will be provided below in the Reference Material Section. 



I get these kinds of emails every month or so… 

After all that investigating you do, you really don’t know?  The president of the United States is, in fact, the C.E.O. of a Federal Corporation and has nothing to do with the people of a state unless we consent to it.  See Title 28 U.S.C. ss3002, page 2, paragraph  15.  The people have been under, UNDER, their (Corporation) control since being issued a birth certificate.  A birth certificate is an instrument created by another for their own purpose, to enslave the people.  This is why one must disclaim the B.C. which marks them as a citizen.  What is the definition of “citizen”?  “An employee or resident of the ten square miles of D.C. its forts or ports and territories”.  Next time you falsely register to vote on a voter registration form from your state ask yourself, “If I reside in the state of _____, do I qualify as a citizen?  If you check the citizen box you just committed the felony it warns of and your vote doesn’t count.  The codes and statutes are for the citizens and do not apply to one who claims to be a non-citizen people of Fl., Mn., Tx., etc. state.  This is successfully done by the use of an affidavit under common law which supersedes statute law.  For more information please call me at xxx-xxx-xxxx  Robert-Dean: House.  In Florida. 


It’s unfortunate that the Propaganda Machine has captured people’s minds to this degree.   The development of the U.S.A. was never more than a battle over the “divine right of Kings”.  Many wanted George Washington to proclaim himself King.  Patrick Henry, who was an attorney…took one look at the Constitution and said: “Your President will have the powers of a King”.  John Quincy Adams wrote in JUBILEE OF THE CONSTITUTION that the President has “more than dictatorial powers”.  (he was prez #6 and his dad was prez #2 in the “American Royal blood-line”)
Nelson, in his book: THE ROYALISTS REVOLUTION states that “everyone was taught to believe that the American Government was ‘monarchy lite”; when it is ‘monarchy plus’ in REALITY”.  Or as was stated back then by Byles Mather; who was a Pastor who was “deported” by the Sons of Liberty in 1777…” Which is better – to be ruled by one tyrant three thousand miles away or by three thousand tyrants one mile away?”.

The Padleford Case from 1854 states that “the States in making the Constitution intended to give up the Power of SELF PRESERVATION”…and in the LINCOLN LIBRARY OF ESSENTIAL INFORMATION it clearly states that “the THEORY of State Sovereignty was ended by the outcome of the Civil War”.   This means IT WAS NOT A FACT…ONLY A THEORY; that had been touted by the likes of Lysander Spooner and other Incompetent Attorneys about matters of Society and the Law of Nations.

BOTTOM LINE…the States ARE NOT NOW…AND NEVER WERE THE SOVEREIGN (above the Central Authority of the United States of America, in Congress Assembled).  All Treaties and International Agreements recognize the “United States of America” as the INTERNATIONAL Juridical Construct…that RULES OVER a system of Federalism.   Federalism in a national sense means the same thing as SUZERAINTY does in international law.  The States of the U.S.A….that is part of the Federal Government that “constitutes” the U.S.A….are NOT SOVEREIGN in their National or International Affairs.  The States are “sovereign over their inhabitants, citizens, and residents”…PERIOD. 

The U.S.A. acquired the “Land Grants”.  The U.S.A. acquired the Northwest Territory…which became the Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Minnesota Territory under the U.S.A.; which later “became States”.  Florida was NEVER INDEPENDENT.   It was acquired by the U.S.A. from Spain.  The Louisiana Purchase was bought by the U.S.A. from France and then the U.S.A. sent folks out to form States. This is true of Texas and all of the western Territories.  Likewise, Alaska was bought by the U.S.A. from Russia for 7.2 million.  

This means that all “Natural Born citizens and Naturalized Foreigners (that become citizens and residents)” are “of the United States of America” and under the following Jurisdictions…
1) City, Town….aka Municipal

2) County or Parish
3) The State…such as Florida, North Carolina, and Minnesota
4) the United States of America…including the LIEBER CODE (aka Martial Law…and War Powers…and National Emergency Acts of Congress or the Prez.)
5) the People of the United States (who rule) FOR the United States of America
7)  International Law, Treaties, conventions, Resolutions…which are ALL “Supreme Law of the Land”…BY TREATY-AGREEMENT OF THE FAMILY OF NATIONS, including the U.S.A. and ALL of the States “of the United States of America”.

Therefore, however, These Founders and Their Bloodline Posterity WANT TO RUN/control THE SOCIETY and/or “business of the Society” of the United States of America…IT IS AT THEIR DISCRETION via the Compact called “Constitution”…due to Article 1 Section 8 and Article 6.

These are simple definitions…

Natural Born Citizens
….under the “de Jure” Govt created by 39 men “for Their Bloodlines/Posterity”…which uses Article 1, section 8 to rule the “citizens” via whatever “law” that they DEEMED NECESSARY….and which likewise uses (in Article 1, Section 8); the LAW OF NATIONS to determine “who is a Natural Born citizen” UNDER said Government/Juridical Construct.

….1aof or constituting a form of government in which power is distributed between a central authority and a number of constituent territorial units bof or relating to the central government of a federation as distinguished from the governments of the constituent units cformed by a compact between political units that surrender their individual sovereignty to a central authority but retain limited residuary powers of government

suzerainty….1a superior feudal lord to whom fealty is due: OVERLORD  2a dominant state controlling the foreign relations of a vassal state but allowing its sovereign authority in its internal affairs
Conclusion: Under Suzerainty…the so-called “states” are “vassals” due to Federalism…and the citizens and residents of the states are vassals to the States…and, therefore, Vassals of the Central Govt of the U.S.A.   Vassals HAVE NO SAY-SO 
What I find more disturbing is….NO ONE kept this Secret.  It is in their writings and in their symbology all over DC and the U.S.A.   This is why the Capitol Building Dome contains the Apotheosis; where George Washington was “deified” as the “god” of the “original de-jure u.s.a.”  …whereby ALL LAWS which “shall be made in PURSUANCE THEREOF…SHALL BE SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND.   This includes ALL Corporate Law and however they decide to operate Corporate Law under the Lieber Code of 1863; MARTIAL LAW.
This is why I’m going to do a strictly contract and constitution course.  I see from the email you sent that even the way these people “sign or autograph” their letters to you…were things that myself, David-Wynn: Miller (deceased), Jeff Sciba, Gordon Gunsch, and Russell Gould STARTED and were doing back in the year 2000.   They have a FALSE BELIEF that “how they sign their NAMES” makes any difference in the world of International and Global Governmental Rules and Law.  I learned from experience that this is irrelevant….and based on Law of Nations and International Law…I know exactly why. 
David-Parker: Williams….or Russell-Jay: Gould…or David-Wynn: Miller… WE ARE THE ONES that started this sort of “autograph/signature” on OUR “Charter/vessel/Treaties” and other “alleged LEGAL WRITINGS and DOCUMENTS”.  
BUT…here’s the thing.  This Robert-Dean: House; can he tell you “why” a hyphen is used between the “2 names” and “why” you use a colon before the Family Name??   (I know why…but I can also tell you…IT’S IRRELEVANT.  This “spelling of the Name”…his name, my name, your name…. means NOTHING in a Court, Federal, Supreme Court, or the World Court.  The World Court is the only one I have not been in…but “we” sent documents that were returned because the World Court ONLY deals with Recognized Nation/States….which is another reason that Florida or Minnesota; and/or Mr. Robert-Dean…are not Sovereigns.)

None of these people have done what we/I did…and challenged the system in the manner that we/I did to figure out the SOLUTION.   Only Randall-Dean: Robertson is still around and on the path of Self Determination with me today.  The rest of these MEN became idiots….went to prison for “not coming out”…and FOR trying to “change/subvert” the GOVERNMENT of the True Posterity/(owners) of the United States of America…and “of the States”.   And, all of those States that Mr. Robert-Dean FALSELY THINKS are Sovereign…are nothing but Incorporated Companies through which the King of Britain (or Queen)…gave Land Grants that were “incorporated” by Their Letters Patent.  The Nobility that “owned” those Companies….set up Colonies which They established and governed by the expressed “will of the British Crown”.  The Nobility and the “British Governors” which The Nobility “appointed”…then turned those Colonial Land Grants and the Colonists….into “Their States” and then merged those “States/companies” into ONE NATION UNDER “GOD”…ie: The Pope….the Vicar; to whom the British Crown is officially owned.

The way “out” is simple….”anyone that wants out of the nation or State” into which they were born (the system/matrix/compact/corporation…it does NOT MATTER the term that is used)…..MUST do what the Founders of the United States of America did; and “form a new State/nation/society” in order to provide “NEW SAFEGUARDS”.  And, it can be done without “submitting to the Pope”; but you (not you, but Mr. Robert hyphen Dean) had better know how to properly form “the NEW/neo International Juridical Construct” (society/state) and thereafter earn and gain Immunity by Modification of Treaty or Variation by Agreement.

Ref: Law of Nations, Book 1, sections 38, 212, 220 and 33…and the UN Charter Article 1 and 55 …and the ICCPR…and UN Resolution 2625

This is EXTANT throughout history and THE LAW OF NATURE AND NATIONS….or Natural Law as Applied to the Conduct of Societies and Sovereigns


What I will say about the email you sent is this…       

His First Statement…After all that investigating you do, you really don’t know?     This letter is based on TOTAL ARROGANCE.   This arrogance is “correctable” because it is based on Ignorance and FALSE UNDERSTANDING of the International Protocols and Rules that have existed for thousands of years among the Family of Nations in accordance with the Law of Nations and Nature.  It is also based on a FALSE UNDERSTANDING of “who” this…Robert-Dean: House “is” and what “natural born citizen” is; and what “Corporate Governance” within the “bounds of a Society” actually means.

He is not Sovereign…and his so-called REMEDY is ILLEGAL and FALSE…and if used; will result in someone Going to Prison.  I’ve seen it dozens of times and have over a hundred examples.  

Bottom line…Men and women go to prison for one Reason…BEING WRONG.   They were either wrong in violating a Rule….or they are WRONG ABOUT THEIR STANDING.  99.999999% of ALL AMERICANS are “wrong about their Standing”….and wrong about WHY THE CONSTITUTION WAS FORMED.  That is where the Programming Begins.

Regards, David Williams

P.S.  Mr. Robert-Dean of “whatever house/tribe” he claims….felt COMPELLED to send you his “dissertation” on the matter.  I would rather know nothing; than to proceed on the basis on his diatribe about “law”.   Feel free to forward this reply to him….and let him know that “if” he would like to have you moderate a debate on the issue….I will be more than happy.  I just challenged the “USA1781” folks to debate THEIR ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES.   Keith Livingway is the “alleged researcher”  He’s a con-man and criminal..and he refuses to debate me or to have his name mentioned.  He claims “sovereignty” over the entire landmass of the U.S.A., but will not leave his house for fear of being arrested.  That podcast caused sort of a “shyte storm”; because many people wanted my opinion.  Once I gave it…I was relentlessly attacked.  The good news out of this was that many people rallied around me because of the attack.  It took a little time, but with the launch of the ANTI-TROLL FORUM TEAM and the background checks on Mr. “Deadway” and his “theft of people’s money”….we’ve almost completely EXPOSED HIS FRAUD and Illegal Fallacies of his ‘TOWN OF THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS” (T-ROH) and his b.s. allegations that he “Amended the Articles of Confederation”.   That is 100% SUBVERSION and FRAUD against the People of the United States (who rule over and) FOR the United States of America.

P.S.S.  Thanks for sending this to me…I think I will use it as a Training Session on the new site.