Everyone Needs to Read This and Understand CONTRACTS
Randall…I am sending something to read. I have read the WHO constitution…but I got to thinking about whether; as a Specialized Agency of the Member Nations of the UN…can the WHO have “private contracts” with other entities, companies, corporations, Research facilities, NGOs; and/or perhaps…’ bioweapons labs”.
It turns out…if you read the AGREEMENT of the Members NationStates of the United Nations…they all agreed that the WHO very likely has blanket Immunity from almost anything that they do.
I have been digging through ALL of the agreements and documents on International Health Regulations since March. The first and most obvious part of this is that “it is classified as a SIMULATION EXERCISE”. This is obvious since no nations has numbers that have anything to do with reality…and also because of the verbiage and the use of the word…MUST. It says “must run simulations”….not may or might. MUST…as in “pacta sunt servanda”….ALL AGREEMENTS MUST BE KEPT. If the “heads of government”…MUST RUN A SIMULATION…then they cannot be RUNNING THE REAL THING.
It has been an “on again and off again” process; obviously…since I have other matters in the Philippines, Liberia, Haiti, Uganda, and Ghana to deal with…in addition to being back and forth to Jacksonville. Dr. Painter is sending another container to Liberia and I am currently taking care of a family there…and also 8 families in the Philippines. It is meager, but their cost of living is much lower. the same is true in Uganda. Our liaison and soon to be appointed DoM Honorary Consular and Advisor: David Mukasa…has also needed financial assistance. Dr. Painter has sent him more than I have, but these people are desperate in many of those areas.
Read this. Make sure you key in on the “agreements for national extensions of Immunity” for WHO activity.
It’s like watching the movie: BEDAZZLED …when the DEVIL says “NO ONE EVER READS THE CONTRACT”. The devil, in that case, was Elizabeth Hurley and she was talking about the deal that Brandon Fraiser made…WITH THE DEVIL.
These whiners do not get it…..”if you Nation is a Member of the UN…and you are a citizen of your Nation/State…then you are a “CITIZEN OF THE UN”. It should be obvious after this read.
Wait….’READ”….did someone say “READ”…as in “Supreme International Common Law” …the Great Universal Customary International LAW and Contracts.
Read???? Who am I kidding, right? Well…we’ve been at this for 2 decades. I know you will…it’s why I sent it to you. But…it reminds me of the SOUTH PARK episode of the HUMAN CENTI-PAD….and the CONTRACT with Apple.
Users sitting in a cell: What are you going to do to us, NOW…???
Did the LAW OF NATIONS tell everyone that Republics are actually…Aristocratic Republics..???? Caesar and his Senate…..and a strong Military to ensure that the Romans do not rise up against the government. State Patrol and Sheriff Patrol…? Seriously….they are better armed and armored up than any Roman Legion ever was.
The worst form of government ever…and EVERY AMERICAN FALSELY THINKS IT’S THE BEST. Welcome to the Matrix…the FARM or FAR MATRIX.
Sorry to digress. In case you have not heard…a “4 Lawyer team” is putting together Class Actions for Crimes Against Humanity. They will lose and I know why, but I was very impressed with their thoroughness and research. I have some thoughts on this about Variation by Agreement, Modification, and Recission of Treaty; Lack of Disclosure and (moral) Tort Claims…as a means of Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes…in relation to Self Determination.
Let’s talk about this one in a couple of days.
David Williams
They finally proved my point….NONE OF THIS IS REAL….it is A SIMULATION. Trump recovered quickly from his FAKE VIRUS…doncha think?
It’s a treaty…he knows…the congress knows….AND ALL THE JUDGES IN EVERY STATE….KNOW…because they are required to know.