

Original Email Date: July 17, 2019

Good Afternoon Linda;  ( was afternoon when I started this…)
I read your email….and some follow up that said “third try”.  I don’t know what that’s about.  I’ve only seen 2 emails…and this is the only one that contains any actual information.

Rather than sending it back through the website…I’m answering in context below; in blue.


You wrote….  “I had to relisten several times today.”   I assume that this is to some interview that I did with Sarah Westall….?????


You wrote….First time listener, after decoding admiralty law, constitutional law, common law….and in court, losing, time and time again.  Mostly when I was represented by an attorney, have you.
(AND You wrote….I must get out of this insanity.)
You can’t “decode” law.  Law is a Code (just like DNA is a code and must have a code reader).
Therefore, law does not need “decoding”; it only needs be READ AND UNDERSTOOD.  This is why ignorance of the Law is no excuse; it’s not complicated or complex…because all “law” is based on Contracts and Agreements.   
Therefore, it’s not “ignorance of the law”; but IGNORANCE OF YOUR OWN CONTRACTS…for which there is NO EXCUSE.
“Dividing law/CONTRACT” in any manner (ecclesiastical, maritime, admiralty, common, statute; etc.) is nothing more than obfuscating this Truth.  I’ve been in all sorts of courts…and nothing occurs until the “basis of the contract/agreement” is ascertained.   No “thing”.
In other words… there must be a “why”?  Why are you “courting in this court”?  (Courting…ie: Dancing, Entertaining, Playing around with; acting coy as if you “don’t understand”…playing the fool and the role of Idiot, Insane Person and Person Non Compos Mentis; ie: acting in the role of Player … by agreement.)   “If” you understand LAW and everyone Keeps their Contract/Agreement…then you would have no Courts.   But, since Mankind cannot “treat each other as Brothers one to another”….which is found within a Contract or an International Treatyct Agreement called ‘The Rights and Duties of Man”….then it behooves the Individual who Under Stands….to find proper Standing that brings with it the Necessary Immunity from the Masses.

Courting is the purpose of the Court…to ascertain “your role” in the drama or play….or as I say sometimes; the DANCE.  Courts are there to “discover” and find out…. what is “the thing” to which you DISAGREE?    You start with the Agreement, and then figure out who “broke” the Contract…and created the disunity and/or disharmony within the Agreement.

After that….comes “diction” and procedure; meaning to Proceed according to Admiralty Rules, Common Law Rules, etc.  Juris-Diction means to “speak the truth of the Juris”….aka; the Juridical Construct.  If that Juridical Construct has its basis in lies and fraud, and you BELONG TO THAT Construct/society…by Contract and Agreement; then “speaking out” (diction) against said Juridical Construct” makes you double-minded and unstable in All Contracts….and all unstable and double-minded Individuals must, by necessity, be ruled over and ruled against…due to their failure to “come out” after UNDER STANDING the Program (Contract fraud) that they are in.  

THE MAXIM… “Ignorance of the law (contract, agreement) excuses NO ONE”; …. exists because ignorance can only “breach the peace” and create chaos.  Ignorance cannot keep Contracts; because it does not Under STAND contract…ie; obligation and duty… and therefore ignorance can NEVER  “govern over knowledge”.  True Knowledge brings peace; and must necessarily govern ignorance and the chaos that comes from it.

But, in any court case….the “honorable” who represents the Honor of the Sovereign under which “the parties are pledged to”….is going to RULE for the Sovereign Authority based on “Customs, Usages, Policy, Law of the Land” (etc.) based on whatever the Honorable deems to “be honorable” in relation to Standing of the Parties that are “before His Honor”.   


If  a Human has the Standing of “cow” under UCC husbandry (aka: The Department of Hue-Moon Resources), then the Honorable is going to Rule based on “Citizenship/cow Law”…or the “Customs that  Cows have accepted”.

Cows must be “herded” to the Market (court).  It’s been this way for over 4000 years.   You must “drive cattle” or have them “drive themselves” along with the other cows in a Cattle Drive….which is controlled by the Kattel/chattel Ranchers (Cow Herders)  

I’m sure you “heard this before”…right?   (PUN INTENDED)

This is the STATE of Moon Kine…or the Kind Red.   All nations and Societies are founded and formed for a purpose.   That purpose will be Stated today; in the Charter-Compact-constitution of the State. This is where the State begins; State of Mind.  As written in SILENT WEAPONS FOR QUIET WARS….”it was decided that Humans who will not use their intelligence are no better than animals and beasts that have no intelligence”.   

This may sound harsh, but it’s the reason; if One is “Reason Able” ….for the existence of Section 220 of Book 1 of Natural Law….aka Law of Nations.  It is the reason for the Right of Self Determination.   One cannot “claim that a system is built on Fraud”….and then STAY IN THE FRAUD.   As written in Section 220; “if you do not find it advantageous to remain in it, then you are at liberty to quit it”.


 Just the fact that the Right of Self Determination was written into the UN Charter…proves that there is honor behind the Entire Matrix System.  If you don’t want to be “in the Matrix”…then you “go back to Source Code” and “come out of the Matrix”.  It’s that simple.

“If” someone deems that the Society to which they BELONG has DEVOLVED itself into a Plantation of Insane Voluntary Idiots and Slaves….and do not care whether or not they “submit themselves to the Tyranny of a Mon-Arch (Ark or Power over the Moons…ie: Hue Moons…aka MoonSters.)…..THEN for those that are more Jealous of that Privilege (called freedom)…so INVALUABLE TO THOSE WHO HAVE A TASTE FOR IT (again..”it’ being Freedom)….those Ones MUST form up under a NEW (Neo) Form….and thereafter Self Govern via the (CONTINUAL/continuous) Exercise of the Right of Self Determination…by “establishing a Sovereign or NEW Independent State or INTEGRATING (as a Sovereign Political Member) with an Already Existing Independent State”; and thereafter “build it”.  


Otherwise….”if” anyone is UNWILLING to do what is continually NECESSARY (this means diligence and vigilance)….then they should “kiss the ring and thereafter stop all of their Murmurs and Sedition” against the Society (nation-state) to which they BELONG.

You either govern…or you must be governed.  There is NO FENCE.

[LAW OF NATIONS, book 1, sections 38, 212, 32, 220, 33…and UN Resolution 2625….just in case you can do what 99.9999% of Folks cannot and/or will not do….ie: READ and UNDER–STAND]
CAVEAT: Just so you know….this is not about the 1%.  This is about the 1/10th of 1% of actual DOERS on this planet….versus ALL OF THE YAK…ie: cattle and/or “yakkers”… also known as: whiners, complainers, and “bellowers”; aka cows who live in their self-imposed Cowdom….or Cow-Dumb.
These are some people I listen to:
Do you know any of these?
Do you have an opinion on any?
Leuren Moret;  Eustace Mullins;  Barrie Trower ; E. Michael Jones; Cal Washington; ; ; Bill Binney,  NSA
Elana Freeland; Under An Ionized Sky ; Deborah Tavares; ; Adam Green; know more news; Dane Wigington …Sarah W. 
Where I heard you, today.
Opine…my opinion?  This means “to think”…and here’s what I think.  By assessment; aren’t these folks a part of the “Self Imposed CowDom”….?  Some of them write nice books.  Some of them “yak out” good data/info.  But…
 People of Standing…leave foot-prints.  Cattle bend over and leave “fingerprints”.   I’ve seen this in Banking Records.  Those who have Sovereign Immunity…match up “foot prints” when they “go to the Bank”….because they have Standing.
Those folks above that you mention…I “recognize them” or at least…”names”….but I do not know them.    They apparently leave “some prints”; but “if” One is going to WALK THROUGH A MINE-FIELD….it’s nice to have a map from someone that left their Footprints; so that you don’t get blown up in the process of getting out of that Mine Field.
Yea….I’ve interviewed with Sarah multiple times….to little avail.  She studies nothing.  She puts bald-faced liars on her show.  And, she still promotes that “people have constitutional rights”….even though I proved  TO HER and HER AUDIENCE…by using current case law…that “American folks” are not PARTY TO THE CONTRACT; aka Compact; charter….Con-job constitution.  
You are only one out of a handful that have written to me; out of the thousands that HERD my message about “getting out of the Matrix/System”….because “the message of Self Determination”…whereby One can “come out of the Cow-Dom of the Matrix”…usually goes “in one ear and out the other” like a high speed rail train in Japan.   
I’m surprised you wrote.   What’s wrong with you?  Can’t swallow the Programming of the FARM any longer? (FARM = Federal Acquisition Regulation MATRIX….found at ““.)
I’m shocked, you called it “insanity”.  How dare you?  Didn’t you realize (real eyes) that CRAZY is the NEW SANE in the U.S.A. ?  

Didn’t you know that paying taxes to murder innocent people in other countries….IS NORMAL?   Didn’t you “understand” that a Debtor Society that runs up that debt for 240+ years….IS NORMAL?

Didn’t you know that being ‘e pluribus unum’….ie: ONE WITH…a bunch of gang-bangers, drug dealers, crack addicts, entertainment junkie, political liars…AND whiners, gripers and complainers…etc, etc….didn’t you know that this is ALL “NORMAL”?

You “listened to Sarah, today“?  And, then you immediately wrote to me?  This is NOT NORMAL.   

(The Right of Self Determination is about accepting COMPLETE and TOTAL RESPONSE-ABILITY.  Are you sure you want a red pill? Blue pills are better.  They put you back to sleep; where you can continue to live “comfortably” in the NIGHTMARE….and stay on the Treadmill with all of the other tax-paying mass murdering FOLKS.)

(folk…volks….ARMY, horde, masses..while at the same time proclaiming innocence or that “folks” are in-no-sense guilty or wrong?  
Why are you writing to me after only listening to Sarah Westall for one day?  lol  Why are you not just following the masses and “blaming someone else”…like all of the rest of the FOLKS?

And, now that I’ve made myself “laugh out loud”…I apologize for the digression.  It’s been a “week” where dealing with the “weak” and dishonorable hordes on  Facebook and Youtube kinda changes One’s resolve to actually give a crap.  I do “give a crap”….but sometimes you just have to shake your head and laugh at the utter ignorance and stupidity of MoonKind.  I just love it when everyone gripes and complains….and then throws out some “fancy quote”; such as “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over…and expecting a different result”….only to see the party that USED SAID QUOTE….exercising the very insanity that they just condemned.   The maxim is True….”all people end up getting the government that they deserve”.  I didn’t deserve the one I was in; and when I looked around to ‘see’ what else was available….all I saw was more INSANITY….9 to 1 Bank Fraud and the continual rape and murder of consenting masses of FOLKS.)

Let me see what else you wrote….

You wrote:  When I lost my common law husband’s estate and his social security, in Charleston S.C. (a professed, common law state), I decided to investigate WHY.   I also looked into 2 very high profile murder trials were taking place in Chas.  I attended both.  Those two ‘mock’ trials opened my eyes wider than ever before.   

Yeah…it’s happens.  I only have 1 question… you now get disgusted with yourself when you look in the mirror and REAL EYES….as I did…that this TARBABY sticks to you?  Do you “realize” now…that YOU ARE TO BLAME FOR YOUR CONDITION?    They….or what folks call…the PTB….are blameless.  

Even the ByBa’al got this one right, “See, Oh Is-Ra-El….YOU DESTROYED YOURSELF”.   OR…in the alternative…watch this….

V for Vendetta: The Revolutionary Speech (HD)

My HOA has been giving me a go around and Ive so far been successful in intimidating each board member, after learning contracts from Cal Washington.
(They pulled every public notice I posted on our community bulletin board down, and fined me for posting them).  But, now, HOA Board is retaliating.  For 30 some odd years, I’ve been laughed at, each time I say, “this is how the holocaust happened!”
You’re talking to cows.  Are you sure it’s laughter or bellowing?      
So glad you’re publishing your own discoveries and am anxious to listen, learn and act upon each of them.
God – wizard?     God; good; fortune, Gad, good luck, Luke, Lucas, Lucis, Lu-Cypher, Wize Ards, Wizard of OZ (ON, ONZ, ONS (ounce)… Osiris, O-Sir-us,  OsarOz, O zhar Ras….the Head of Gold/god)   (Look at the symbols….N….Z — Ƨ …S….  Crist Oz….Brit Ons…KaiOz…ChristOs …. Dios, DiOz, Theoz, Theos, Deus, Zeus, Zoos, Pan-the-ON…Pan The OZ… Thiz krap iz oll/owl  Entur-chaing AB EL.
Lord – satan?     Ha Shatan….An Adversary…..not a “lord”…..any “enemy”, including Yahweh, The Creator, the Universe, and karmic Forces that run the CosmOz….image.png
There is “no demon”….We are the MoonSters/monsters….the “De Moons”….the Devil or Dark Evil.  This is called IGNORANCE by the Ancients.  Adversaries came from IGNORANCE and ignorance was considered the ‘great darkness’ and most “evil” of all character traits (trait-tors)  “ha Shatan”….means “an Adversary” not “the Adversary”.  in the ByBa’al; even Yahweh is called “ha Shatan”…and became Adversary to Mankind…
Peace – 4th reich?     They and all Universal Powers…..want….ORDER OUT OF CHAOS.  It is not the El – ites that are chaotic…it is MANKIND that is Chaotic.  Just look at what “we” as a species…do to each other and to the Planet.  As one friend in Houston, who runs a sewer and septic system company…which is registered, regulated, and licensed by the Department of Health….as he said; “If the State did not make them put in septic tanks correctly…these people would just let their SHYTE lie around on the ground…or roll into the Rio Grande River”.  Mankind is going to peace….one way or another.  People will either lay down their weapons willfully…or the System is going a put a drone on every single human being…and then dare them to step out of line.  I do not disagree.   I don’t care whether I am monitored or not…”if” it gets this planet past the point of killing ourselves off.
Amen – amun?   A Moon.   A moon Ra….Sun God…Sun Rae (ray)….and Moon God.   Gold and Silver…. Alchemy…the “keys of the kingdom”…one Gold, one Silver.  Unless you’re studying all things and testing all things…NO ONE gets it.  Everything is a Codex.
Decoding our language is so draining.   Decoding the Codex….yep…it can be draining.
What name do you address to our divine creator?    Names” are only necessary in this Realm….this Uni Verse.   Here on the Aretz…Ares….Earth….”everything that has breath gives praise to yah – weh”; because “yah…..breathe in” and   “wah or way….breathe out”.   It is breath and that “breath is life”….and therefore there is no “pronunciation” because this “name” is not a “name”; it is breathed…..symbolizing the BREATH.   There is no doubt that we were created.   Too many things must happen simultaneously for “life” to exist…..and for the Universe to exist.  There was no “big bang”.   When Halton Arp disproved “red shift” and therefore the “expanding universe” Dogmai (religious alleged Scientism)….Big Bang Cosmologist have lost their minds…and are scrambling for “new false theories”…and “cover up”; in an attempt to NOT LET GO of their Religiously Held “Settled Science”.
I think you’re just going to have to call me…     d.w.