This blog: IN NAME ONLY; is a response to a comment from an earlier blog called: Skype | David & Dario: Part 1-4. I am replying in a paragraph-by-paragraph manner, because the comment, while shows that the commenter is truly thinking; there are elements of “over-thinking” certain issues. One of those issues is: “who owns property since you are not your name or and someone else…some Wizard behind the scenes…owns YOUR NAME?” Another issue, if everything in the system is “IN THE NAME” and you don’t own your own NAME/name; then who has the fiduciary duties?
Okay…see what I mean? The issue is getting complicated for me, just trying to describe it. But, this is what the Patriot Rabbit does.
In addition to a line-by-line analysis; “we” have produced audio that is just over one hour long that goes along with this commentary. It is something like a “fireside chat” between Aaron and I. Although we vaguely talk about blog and comments; what is discussed in the audio, more than anything else is having an “IMPERATIVE MINDSET” versus indulging in “SUBJECTIVE THINKING”. For the sake of providing a quick “Reason”; take the founders of the United States of America. They formed a New Compact to get away from the “Arbitrary Nature” of the King of Great Britain. It was an IMPERATIVE ACT for them.
And the RIGHT OF SELF-DETERMINATION requires an IMPERATIVE MINDSET. If I were asked to sum up this Imperative Nature into one word; that word would be… MUST.
This is a long three-part study, but necessary. The rest of the first part is dedicated to Terry’s comment to me and the last two parts will cover my responses.
2010/10/07 at 6:11 am
Skype | David & Dario: Part 1-4
A very interesting conversation (about the 3 KEYS TO FREEDOM) and I can see the angle that Dario has taken to try and help out the ‘man on the street’ who unfortunately doesn’t ‘see’ any of this because of the reasons David has given. If Joe Schmo was helped out for the house then he would immediately revert back to everything else that got him into that situation in the first place. A quick solution, for one thing, does not make the entire problem/issue go away.
Something I find most interesting is the aspect of allegation of fraud on the mortgages though. In fact, anything else for that matter that has been entered into by way of a supposed ‘con-tract’.
My own research is leading me to see that the corporate structure of the world is essentially Vatican driven with all roads leading to Rome. The UK and the City State of London certainly seem to be a seat of the ‘Crown’ where the ‘Temple Bar’ etc are located. There are obvious connections to the Vatican from here and the belief that the ‘Crown’ is, in fact, the ‘Pope’ with a frontwoman called QEII.
As we know and as is well documented, the ‘Pope’ claims to own the entire world.
This brings me to the ‘Name’. The Birth Certificate in the UK has 2 distinctful points upon it which clearly state;
1) It should never be used as personal identification
2) It is clearly marked as ‘Crown Copyright’.
Now, I know there is much talk about the ‘Name’ and its useage but there does seem to be some very interesting aspects to this as well.
The ‘Name’ which is the ‘Given Name’ by the parent/Informant is, in law, ‘Property’. This property is ‘Given’ to the Crown representative (The Regis-trar) and is recorded accordingly. It would appear that the ‘Name’ as ‘Property’ then has a Fiduciary Owner (The Crown).
However, the child grows up believing that the ‘Name’ is theirs and treats it as such.
Of course, the Birth Certificate lends itself to the fact that the ‘Name’ is indeed ‘owned’ by the ‘Crown’ (The Pope) as of course, the Pope seems to own everything.
It could be that when the ‘Name’ is ‘Given’ (Gifted) by the parent/informant to the regis-trar then, of course, it is then sent to the ‘Recorder General’s Office’ (obviously a military appointment) where a ‘con-version may take place. The ‘Name’ (which is property) is gifted to the State. One of the definitions of ‘conversion’ in law is ”the conversion of real property to a personality and vice versa”. (Person-ality).
If we then look closer at this then it would be reasonable to accept that the ‘Name’ is owned by the Crown and that as such they have the Fiduciary responsibility for its ‘use’.
If the ‘Name’ has been used to enter into mortgage agreements to purchase property then this tells me 2 things;
1) It is the ‘Name’ that is purchasing the property, not the ‘Man’/‘Woman’
2) The ‘Name’ may be ‘owned’ by the Crown, not the ‘Man’ using the ‘Name’
This tells me that a ‘fraud’ cannot be committed by the ‘Man’ as the ‘owner’ of the ‘Name’ is not him.
Of course, it is easy to point out that the ‘Man’ has been using the ‘Name’ as an owner and therefore should accept that responsibilty but something tells me it isn’t as easy as that and ‘mis-takes’ have been made.
We all know or certainly suspect we are being treated as slaves as per the maxim that you are the slave to the one you are in debt to. However, we also know that you may not own the ‘Name’ and by way of regis-tration of a house/property, you do not ‘own’ the property either. This is where they are splitting titles using Trusts. Therefore, the liability of the alleged ‘debt’ goes to the ‘owner’ of the ‘Name’.
Money itself certainly seems to be private and copyright and tied into the system of the ‘Name’ and property. If the Crown owns everything then yes, they can deal with it in simple Trust Law formations to split titles and give the illusion of ownership. They can do whatever they want with the ‘Name’ as they ‘own’ it.
It would also be reasonable to conclude that each time you ‘claim’ the ‘name’ (someone else’s property — The Crown’s maybe) then that could be deemed an act of War. In fact, anytime you use it to claim ownership of anything at all then it could be deemed an act of War as the Crown (Pope) is deemed to own everything.
So, if there is sufficient evidence to suspect you are not the ‘owner’ of the ‘Name’ then it would be fair to conclude that if you make any claims on that name you are in fact placing yourself firmly into the role of a Citizen and a ‘slave’ and committing acts of War.
I did some research into ‘Indentured Servants’ and it certainly appeared that those who entered into it were totally owned by their ‘Masters’. Strangley enough, around the same time that formal ‘Indenture Certificates’ of this nature were phased out, Birth Certificates quickly followed. This is around the mid-1800’s. Masters were however responsible for the feeding, clothing, and acomodating of the ‘servant/slave’.
Anyway, I’m just picking up on the ‘fraud’ aspect and belief that the ‘Man’ commits this fraud by ‘signing’ mortgage agreements and I’m not fully convinced that may be true. The liability of the ‘Name’ used is not upon the one using it if the mis-take is correctly identified and forgiveness sought. In any case, the ‘Man’ does not own the house, the ‘Name’ does and the ‘Man’ does not seem to ‘own’ the ‘Name’. The only advantage the ‘Man’ has gained is to have shelter and if the market turned upwards then the possibility of a ‘profit’ by way of ‘beneficial title’ of the house. We must not lose sight of the fact that the ‘Man’ may have put a lot of his own time and effort, sweat equity and ‘money’ into extending, decorating and improving and maintaining the house. All the benefit of this swiftly taken away by the manipulation of the market prices being forced downwards quite deliberately (or so it seems to me now and even historically).
If we look at ‘usufructary’ and the fact that ‘Man/Woman’ has natural dominion of the earth (no-one can claim to ‘own’ it really) then it may be reasonable to assume that the ‘Name’ can be used but not claimed.
I agree with the aspect of the State being at war with the citizen as per the Lieber Code in the USA but is the State at War with Peaceful Inhabitants who make no claims of ownership?
Does a ‘Peaceful Inhabitant’ who operates strictly as such have to look to form a new Nation State?
Can a Peaceful Inhabitant continue to live and use the house he is currently using if there is no other higher claim? Does the bank have a higher claim if they did not oppose the Man when he moved in?
If you realize you do not ‘own’ but merely ‘use’ the ‘Name’ in commerce then can you be deemed to be ‘Stateless’? If you ‘use’ the ‘Name’ in anything at all and you don’t ‘own’ it, and this fact has never been pointed out to you, then should you really carry the responsibility once you have realized the mis-take? (like fraud for example)
If I use the ‘Name’ to do a process of creating my own new State and I do not ‘own’ the ‘Name’ I am doing the process in, then could that be deemed an act of War as well?
If we are saying there is no issue around the ownership of the ‘Name’ then why is it used the way it is and who benefits from its ‘use’? I would suggest it quite rightly is ‘property’ and does have an owner/fiduciary with liability. If that ‘owner’ is me then it’s high time I started issuing ‘user’ agreements for anyone trying to extract my value by using my property. If however as I suspect I am not the ‘owner’ of the ‘Name’ and realise my mis-take then it is high time the ‘owner’ started to meet his obligations. If I cannot ‘own’ anything then why should I pay (and how can I ) and how can I (the Man) commit fraud?
As per the Birth Cert. It says clearly upon it ”not to be used as personal identification” and of course, there is no law that I know of that says the ‘Name’ can be used as personal identification or that the ‘Name’ is personal identification. Unless one volunteers to claim it as such of course which we now know may be an act of War as you trespass on someone else’ property (The Crown’s), fall into dishonour and cause controversy for the courts.
The Ego wants to ‘own’ the ‘Name’ and anything else it can ‘empire build’ with. I agree, it is time to control the Ego. If everyone wants to ‘own’ it causes people to hoard and wants more.
Wow, my comment has turned into a book.
Anyway, there may be some other very valid points around the ‘Name’ I have not considered and I may be totally wrong in my conclusions so far. I am always happy to learn more and change my thinking in line with new information.
Thank you