This is a long comment…yes a “book” if you will. And, it would be impossible for me to be able to answer so many points by merely “commenting” below your comment. This requires some analysis and I believe it will be good for you and many others in terms of “straightening out” certain “perceptions” about the current Global or US/UK system. My answers to your queries and “wondering about the system” and “who’s the responsible fiduciary”; starts in your comments at Paragraph #5. I will use different colors for your comments and mine…so that hopefully people don’t get lost in this.
If the ‘Name’ has been used to enter into mortgage agreements to purchase property then this tells me 2 things;1) It is the ‘Name’ that is purchasing the property, not the ‘Man’/’Woman’ 2) The ‘Name’ may be ‘owned’ by the Crown, not the ‘Man’ using the ‘Name’.
It may not even be owned, but held in trust (by the US or the UK or whatever Nation) and trademarked. When you use the Trademark; you are using trust property. The Nation-State was the grantor of the trust. I hear Patriots claim all the time that “you” granted the Trust when you were born. Really now; how could it be that you granted anything “when you are born”? You had no physical or legal capacity to do anything; much less making a decision on Granting a Trust.
No, the state to and for which you were “enrolled” into their “registry” is the Grantor. The parents surrendered that to the State; because they themselves were slaves and had no right to do otherwise.
In any case, this comes from to “who’s operating the Trust”; acting on behalf of or making a decision for the Trust. Are the decisions and actions in accordance with the wishes of the Grantor. The Grantor did pledge the slave ( a commercial energy unit) to a previously existing debt; to which the “parens” agreed, because they (themselves) already had a similar pledge. The word: pledge also can mean a “pawn” and they became pawns and submitted you to the same pawn-program.
This tells me that a ‘fraud’ cannot be committed by the ‘Man’ as the ‘owner’ of the ‘Name’ is not him. He is the operator, Trustee, beneficial holder, middleman…etc. These are meanings for the position out of the code. And the beneficial holder/middleman/trustee is identified in their code as the “adverse party” to the Grantor.
Of course, it is easy to point out that the ‘Man’ has been using the ‘Name’ as an owner and therefore should accept that responsibility but something tells me it isn’t as easy as that and ‘mis-takes’ have been made. He’s been using it as “trustee”. The only reason that people in the United States go to prison is for being a bad trustee. I have told people that for many years.
We all know or certainly suspect we are being treated as slaves as per the maxim that you are the slave to the one you are in debt to. However, we also know that you may not own the ‘Name’ and by way of regis-tration of a house/property, you do not ‘own’ the property either. This is where they are splitting titles using Trusts. Therefore, the liability of the alleged ‘debt’ goes to the ‘owner’ of the ‘Name’.
They transfer that through “use”. Look up “constitutor” in Black’s Law Dictionary. It means: “One who by simple agreement becomes responsible for the payment of another’s debts”. If you look at a bank account holder contract; and they’re all the same, it states: “Your position with the Bank is that of Debtor.” This is how you’re paying the debts, as a Federal Agent of one of their Federal Banks under Title 12: Section 90. You are their Trustee…to help them pay the debt as an agent of the constitutor called “Founders or People of the United States”. They set it up….you operate it. It is through use and usury that you are “in the DEBT/DEATH system”. People have “sown the wind”…nothing; and that is what they are going to reap. But, “their energy” or “current” has been used as “Debt/death currency” or “Current of the SEE…i.e. “THE HOLY SEE”; to foster death and murder and destruction around the planet. And Universally, people are not going to be absolved of this collusion…and the “Powers” are here to make sure that “you or people” that are allied with the “unrighteous Throne” and allied with this Debt/Death system “pay the price” for “licensing” (lie-sins) all of this Licentiousness. There is only one SOLUTION to handle this problem…and that is to “be in the world” but not “of their world” by creating “our own world”. That is the right of self-determination.
Money itself certainly seems to be private and copyright and tied into the system of the ‘Name’ and property. If the Crown owns everything then yes, they can deal with it in simple Trust Law formations to split titles and give the illusion of ownership. They can do whatever they want with the ‘Name’ as they ‘own’ it. There is more to it that this, but the principle is sound. They don’t “need or want” to use the name; except to “raise Capital”. That is why they “CAPITALIZE THE NAME”; to raise capital/capitol. They do it from the Capitol because it is a Capital Idea.
It would also be reasonable to conclude that each time you ‘claim’ the ‘name’ (someone else’s property – The Crown’s maybe) then that could be deemed an act of War. In fact, anytime you use it to claim ownership of anything at all then it could be deemed an act of War as the Crown (Pope) is deemed to own everything. I would agree unless there was an exception called for using Variation by Agreement and Modification of Treaty.
So, if there is sufficient evidence to suspect you are not the ‘owner’ of the ‘Name’ then it would be fair to conclude that if you make any claims on that name you are in fact placing yourself firmly into the role of a Citizen and a ‘slave’ and committing acts of War. The claims fall specifically within that category. The claims made are attempts to shift the debtor “NAME” from the Trust-Grantor to any other party, including that “Secured Party Creditor” position; are acts that “defraud the United States” under Title: 12 Section 1003 and 1005. These violations are worth at least 1 million ($) in fines and up to 30 years in prison. These violations are also acts of Treason, Insurrection, and Rebellion; and during a state of Wartime in the US (which is perpetual); these violations are punishable by death. Re: Jerry Kahne and the shoot-out in Memphis, TN…for “questioning the debts of the United States”.
Until you are out of their System…the Matrix….you are in it.
Anyway, I’m just picking up on the ‘fraud’ aspect and belief that the ‘Man’ commits this fraud by ‘signing’ mortgage agreements and I’m not fully convinced that may be true. The liability of the ‘Name’ used is not upon the one using it if the mis-take is correctly identified and forgiveness sought. In any case, the ‘Man’ does not own the house, the ‘Name’ does and the ‘Man’ does not seem to ‘own’ the ‘Name’. The only advantage the ‘Man’ has gained is to have shelter and if the market turned upwards then the possibility of a ‘profit’ by way of ‘beneficial title’ of the house. We must not lose sight of the fact that the ‘Man’ may have put a lot of his own time and effort, sweat equity and ‘money’ into extending, decorating and improving and maintaining the house.
The “man” is the one that moves the pen. This Universe is about “intent”, and the paper proves the intent. The word: “deed” is the Old English word for the word: “dead”. So the “deed” in Equity is “dead” and it can grant no ownership; because that would be “onerous”. Therefore, the transfer that takes place is only for an “equity interest” in the property as Trustee, or beneficial interest “holder”. The man is “holding” the interest, but does not own it. In the United States, all private property is “in the hands of State”, and everyone else is a “mere user” according to the Penhallow v. Doane’s case and according to Senate Resolution #62.
And, of course, according to Executive Order and the IRS Code; the “Man” is an ENEMY OF THE STATE and the ADVERSE PARTY to the Grantor as a member of “that State” or “their State.