


Part III of “In Name Only”. If you have not read Part I or Part II, you can do it now. 


Response Cont:

All the benefit of this swiftly taken away by the manipulation of the market prices being forced downwards quite deliberately (or so it seems to me now and even historically).

The markets are controlled, but you cannot dis-count that ac-count-ability factors of the participation of people in “choosing” to accept and believe in the system…as if it is their “god”.  It is in fact, their “god” because they want “guarantees” from “it”….their “God-overnment”.  The “G” is Masonic and it’s in the Square.   The root words “over” and “men” are likewise in THE WORD.  This is their “logos” or “logo”; their flag.  That flag is the King’s colors (i.e. UK); and the colors of their “vessel”:  the East India Company.

So, the “Man” is in a company of other men for the EIC; and are paid wages to wage war for the EIC.  So, the Universe moves the scale up and down based on the misrepresentation of the “Man” or “people” within the culture/Society; who claim that they want peace while paying for and supporting a war.  What’s the point?

Let’s look how this plays out in pure “representation” of people’s “intent”.  We’re talking about markets and the “Man”ipulation of them…in this case, “the housing market”.  So, the “system” offers to “Man” the ability to “mortgage” property for debt/death based on a formula for payback via verified ability and track record to “pay off the loan”.   What happens in 2002 is that the System “test” the “Man/people” by offering NO DOC/STATED INCOME loans.   All these loans create a fictitious and felonious increase in the price of property…or a “bubble”.


Because these are now affectionately called “Liar’s Loans” and the bubble comes from all the “hot air” that “Man/people” are pumping into the World/system.  So, who’s at fault, the SYSTEM or the “Man/people”?

No one forced all of these people to lie and “misrepresent” themselves.  See, this is a microcosm of the big picture or macrocosm.  It leads to the understanding of the ancient maxim: “All people end up getting the “God-over-N-Men-t” that they deserve.”

This Planet must have “government” due to “Man’s nature”; since every individual is not willing to Self-govern and act in accordance with higher universal principles; without the lying and misrepresentation.  But, since “we” don’t believe in the lies and misrepresentations, then to have the kind/form of government “we” deserve; we must build it.  Simple.

I agree with the aspect of the State being at war with the citizen as per the Lieber Code in the USA; but is the State at War with Peaceful Inhabitants who make no claims of ownership? It depends on what you’re in collusion with.  If the State you belong to is “at War”, then you are “at War”.  You’re in a COMPANY OF SOLDIERS…ie. “Souls/sols that SOLD themselves”.  There is no fence.   In the International Law, it states that the Federated State or International Juristic Person (a Nation) is viewed as a “Sole Person”.  In the US they tell you on that stuff called “money” that the System is E PLURIBUS UNUM; which means “out of many; ONE”.  You saw the MATRIX.  Didn’t those plugged into the MATRIX TOWERS look like “one unit”

Does a ‘Peaceful Inhabitant’ who operates strictly as such have to look to form a new Nation State? Look at the predecessors.  How did anyone ever “come out” from under tyranny?  The founders of the U.S.A. formed a “new state” and wrote in their Declaration that “governments are instituted among men to secure their Rights.  And among those Rights, they listed peace, safety, and happiness.  I will tell you plainly that building the State is the Ultimate Asset Protection Program.  It brings IMMUNITY by Agreement. And, it identifies you “intent” and “States” to a candid world why you are here on Earth.  Otherwise; there is no fence and you belong to them.  Either that or you are “stateless”; which is the single most undesirable “status” on this Planet…because you’re all alone.  Watch the video clip called Barzoon.  THEY are telling the messages to everyone.

Can a Peaceful Inhabitant continue to live and use the house he is currently using if there is no other higher claim?  Do the banks have a higher claim if they did not oppose the Man when he moved in? The banks belong to the state.  The state has the higher claim, here; due to the original willingness of the founders to PLEDGE their lives, fortunes, and honor.  Everyone else abdicated their RESPONS-ABILITY.

If you realize you do not ‘own’ but merely ‘use’ the ‘Name’ in commerce then can you be deemed to be ‘Stateless’?  If you ‘use’ the ‘Name’ in anything at all and you don’t ‘own’ it, and this fact has never been pointed out to you, then should you really carry the responsibility once you have realized the mis-take? (like fraud for example) THE SYSTEM is not responsible for training you in the ways of Contractual Intent and Knowledge.  Those that brought you into this world are responsible for training you.  THE POWERS THAT BE…if you want to call these “men” by that term….THEY train their Posterity.   Are you training yours (if you have offspring)?

If I use the ‘Name’ to do a process of creating my own new State and I do not ‘own’ the ‘Name’ I am doing the process in, then could that be deemed an act of War as well? When you “become the State” and join with others; your name then becomes your name.  And, you may change your name; after all, someone with the gumption and wherewithal to “assume their separate and equal station among the Powers of the Earth”; has the Capacity/Standing to Self Determine their own “name”, or symbol/logo(s), or “logos”…..“calling/Call-sign”.   THE RIGHT OF SELF DETERMINATION is under Peaceful Settlement; and once you assume TOTAL RESPONSIBILITY to be the State (with others of like-mind) and “determine” to develop your cultural, political, and ECONOMIC status (state-us)…then can truly call yourself what you want.  Even in the days of old, there were times that when a Man’s Character changed; there was an associated “name” change.   It’s not necessary, but I offer this concept for your consideration.

If we are saying there is no issue around the ownership of the ‘Name’ then why is it used the way it is and who benefits from its ‘use’? You are right about all of this “inside the box” material; but not about a couple of assumptions that you’re making.  Look at the mortgage for instance.  The entire contract is a fraud, but it is the “Man” that starts the fraud by “lying to the bank” on the first document.  And, the “Man” signs first while the bank watches.  This is the reason that banking requires a “license” (lie-sins) because it is the “Man” who is lying.  But, they call the “Man” the “nominal borrower”.  Nominal means NAME.

The entire “system” is “nominal”; which means “in NAME only”.   But, that is only the FORM and not the Substance of things.  THEY benefit due to the abdication of responsibility to self-govern.  Not to tout “Re-Legion” at all, but look at the “story” about the Hebrews and how they asked for a “king” like the “other nations” had…to “judge them and rule over them and fight their battles for them”.   Have think things changed in 2500 years?  NO.  Read SILENT WEAPONS FOR QUIET WARS…(online search).

I would suggest it quite rightly is ‘property’ and does have an owner/fiduciary with liability.  If that ‘owner’ is me then it’s high time I started issuing ‘user’ agreements for anyone trying to extract my value by using my property. You do this only if you have standing to do so.  Otherwise, you will get pounded by your Master.  And, that is the relationship…Master-Slave.  You must assume your separate and equal station to be the Master of your own vessel/ship.   Remember PIRATES OF THE CARRIBEAN; AT WORLD’S END?

The “system” or THEY have told everyone in these movies that “UP is DOWN” and that to “get out of hell-Davie Jones’ Locker”, you must “rock the boat”, then turn the ship “upside-down” to be able to right the ship at the “right time”.

If however as I suspect I am not the ‘owner’ of the ‘Name’ and realise my mis-take then it is high time the ‘owner’ started to meet his obligations.  If I cannot ‘own’ anything then why should I pay (and how can I ) and how can I (the Man) commit fraud? You owe due to “usury”.  You are “using” the system and Trust that THEY created.  THEY are not “using it”.  THEY don’t sign for it or on behalf of “it”…the “Man” signs for it.    In the real world, everything is about “use”, because it is the “Man” that moves the pen to sign for or on behalf of; which proves “intent”.  It’s all about “intent” and “volition”.

There is only one factor: you either have Immunity or you do not.  It is the “Man” that has immunity or not; regardless of the “use” of Names.  Then, you operate with Immunity by treaty and agreement on a global International scale.

As per the Birth Cert.  It says clearly upon it ”not to be used as personal identification” and of course, there is no law that I know of that says the ‘Name’ can be used as personal identification or that the ‘Name’ is personal identification.  Unless one volunteers to claim it as such of course which we now know may be an act of War as you trespass on someone else’s property (The Crown’s), fall into dishonour and cause controversy for the courts.  The Ego wants to ‘own’ the ‘Name’ and anything else it can ’empire build’ with. I agree, it is time to control the Ego.  If everyone wants to ‘own’ it causes people to hoard and want more.Ok…I have addressed this, specifically because it is the sort of mental gymnastics that the Patriot Rabbit Hole or Legal Rabbit Hole causes.   In the real world; you have a calling or “call sign”. The world calls that a NAME.  In the real world; it doesn’t matter that the NAME is what “owns” something because it’s all about “contract: use, control, and Immunity”.  You can be what you want and do what you want within the confines of the International Public Order…just as the US and other States/Nations do.

Pledging to build a new State/society makes all of these “arguments” and this type of mental gymnastics a moot point.  Until you become the “State” and pledge with others of like mind to “come out” of their system by assuming the Responsibility and Total Liability to create your own State; then you have no “credit-ability” with which to have Immunity (by Agreement).

The MATRIX is real.  It exist.  You and everyone else are in it.  This concern of dealing with the “nominal system” is only relevant as long as you “deal” as a citizen of THEIR Jurisdiction.

In July, I posted about 6 books and/or PDFs to read.  Among the recommendations was the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Immunity and Protecting Foreign Nationals Abroad.   I suggest that you should read all of this material….along with the Law of Nations; in order to broaden you view of the system, while at the same time… “tightening” you view of the system.

Wow, my comment has turned into a book.  Any­way, there may be some other very valid points around the ‘Name’ I have not con­sid­ered and I may be totally wrong in my con­clu­sions so far. I am always happy to learn more and change my think­ing in line with new information. Not a problem.   Most or many of the conclusions are accurate, but it like saying that you read HUCKLEBERRY FINN and passed a test on a book that was a “made up story”.  If you think that HUCKLEBERRY FINN is a living character; then you will end up in an exercise of futility and drawing a conclusion based on something else besides Reality.

I hope the book I wrote you back was helpful.