

*Note: This Email inquiry was prompted because of David’s response to a forwarded Email (posted on MSNetwork as “EMAIL FROM TYPICAL SOVEREIGN CITIZEN TO PODCASTER ON LACK OF RESEARCH“).  The original Email came on June 3, 2019. 



Dear Prime Minister Williams,
I am interested in your thoughts on the arguments of Private vs. Public. From your latest email, it would seem this concept may not be viable or valid. Other than to “Quit It”, there appears to be no way to truly not be a citizen of the (corporate?) United States.  I feel like one of the blind men trying to understand the elephant.
Most respectfully,



First things first.  Aren’t you located in the Tampa area.?  I am scheduling to be there on Wednesday and Thursday.  If you like to meet for coffee or just to chat; let me know.

Private versus Public.

There is no such thing.  States/societies are “private” in there internal affairs; according to UN Resolutions and the Law of Nations and Nature.  But, even so, NOT COMPLETELY.  Universal Crimes such as genocide are NOT ALLOWABLE….supposedly.

But, as Individuals…all Citizenship Contracts dictate that “if” They have a right to punish you, then They have a Right (and obligation) to monitor you.   This is the Doctrine of Pater Patriae and Parens Patriae; where those that are not Self Governing…MUST BE GOVERNED.

This concept is very simple to understand once you think back to “being governed by your Father and/or Mother”….(or other family members, such as Grandpa; who “equally” had the Right to pull the belt out and give a lash for disobedience).    One cannot become Disciplined (self-governing) without being Disciplined (corrected when NECESSARY).   This is the essence of life.  We came into this World with a “blank hard-drive”…and only basic “innate intelligence”; such as crying when we were hungry.   

The “force” of hunger is painful to the body.   But, it begins and registers in the brain.  We don’t have to think about it.   And, this becomes a way of life for almost everything we do.   People become so “habituated” that for morning routines and life “routines”…the brain no longer “thinks”; because the body is now “programmed” with the “thinking” or “thought based Beliefs and adopted systems” and therefore the Brain is no longer required to be involved in the function.


Those “in control” understand this.   It is why you can create 194 nation-states that all have different “programmed beliefs” and get them to ACT differently.   This is why they are 350 different languages just in India…or why there are 28000 different “Christian Cults”…or multiple sects of Islam.   And, humans do not like being told that “THEY could be wrong” or what they “should do”; if it effects what the body-brain connection is already programmed to do.

The reason that people don’t like it…is because to ACT outside the “governing program”…you have to “learn to think again”.   For humans…” thinking and meditation” is PAINFUL…just like hunger.   We don’t like it and therefore Those that Govern MUST do the thinking FOR everyone else…until such time as the Individual “grows up” and becomes Self Governing.  This is true at a Family Level and thereafter “go out on your own”…just as it is true about “religious nationalism” or any other “ism” that got loaded on the “hard-drive”.

To put it simply and in the words of (the now deceased) David Wynn Miller….” the purpose of thinking is to abolish thinking”.    This means that “Self Government and Governing” are hard because you have to “weigh in the balance” and “test” all current beliefs to do this…if you don’t have the Immunities that you would prefer to have.    Our perception dictates this that is “Painful” because that is what we have been programmed to believe and, in part, how the brain-body connection works.  

This is the reason why documents like SILENT WEAPONS FOR QUIET WARS and the Secret Treaty of Verona exist.  People want a “human god”…to “do it for them”.  Therefore the System (of Elite) literally have “no choice” because They understand human nature so well.

I would NEVER have changed if I had not been “forced’ to….”if” the system had not made our lives so painful and misery that the LAW OF NECESSITY forced me to find a Solution.  It is exactly in these times that you realize that “public vs private” beliefs and arguments have NO MEANING WHATSOEVER.   

But there is an unknown element…which is perseverance and endurance.  

I love the movies that the Elite put out…with their messages.   Doctor Strange said in INFINITY WAR….”we’re in the Endgame now”.   And, the Character: Thanos said…”The hardest choices require the strongest wills.

All of this starts with “thinking” and “testing all things”.   When someone cannot or will not “test and prove” their beliefs…their thinking….when people “believe” that they are always right and that all of their current knowledge/programmings is “right”…then where is the need to think.?

And why get upset about “being challenged” or “debating an issue” about One’s beliefs.  TRUTH CANNOT BE HARMED; because Truth takes no one’s side.  There’s a Maxim for this one..”Let the Truth be told though heavens may fall”.

Somewhere along the line; you heard and accepted something “in the Program” from Someone Else (wherever and whoever is not relevant) that there is some difference in the US Government or State Governments….where “Your Private side” is NOT “supposed to be touched by THEIR PUBLIC SIDE”.  (This is obvious from the question, and the question/splinter came by “thinking” about the words and Proofs in my last email.)    

But, this false belief is held by MOST.   Americans, especially the Patriot Sovereign Citizen Domestic violators BELIEVE in this “public-private” assumption and therefore the false conclusion is that  “you have been violated without your consent”.

Public and Private do not exist in the Law of Nations…per se.   At least, not to the level of providing “immunity” for Crimes to the Masses.  The Administrators have given themselves IMMUNITY and the Governed Masses have accepted that this is “how the world works best”.   On an “honorable planet/world”…IMMUNITY would not exist because there would be no need for it, and all people would treat each other as “Brethren”.    This means this NONSENSE about “public and private” would not exist.   

Most of what we “deal with” on this Planet would exist if human beings were 1) not liars, 2) not totally “me-oriented” and arrogantly so, and 3) were THINKING AND RATIONAL.     Without lies and humans “buying the lies”; there would be no deception.   Therefore, since “buying a lie” creates Deception by Agreement…then all Deception is Self Deception.  If people kept the Universal Agreements and (now) GLOBAL TREATY and HUMAN RIGHTS AGREEMENTS to ‘treat each other as Brothers one to another”, and “if” people would start “actually thinking” better about Their Purpose on this Planet…and focus on Improving Humanity….we could MOVE FORWARD as a Species versus “waiting on some alleged Savior”.

In other words….the Base “hard-drive” Program gets people TO NOT THINK”.   Testing this Base Program is PAINFUL…so people live an “unexamined life”; meaning that MOST exist, but do not live. (BRAVEHEART….”All men die; most never really live”.)  

Next… when this all goes awry….and TRUTH AND REALITY do NOT conform to the Base Hard-Drive Program (subconscious); then people seek out “someone else or some Government figure or entity” to FIX “IT”.  And “it” does not matter what “It” is….because ultimately; Knowledge will Forever Govern Ignorance–James Madison.   The next step for MOST is to remain ADULT CHILDREN of a “perceived” Stockholm Syndrome Program (that “we accepted”) when the National Societal Government “abandons us”…or the “church Religious Government” abandons us.

And, this is where the anger “at the system” comes from.  PEOPLE WANT A SYSTEM….but, not one that doesn’t conform to their “perception of Reality”.   


The Final Step is to SIMPLY FILL IN THE BLANKS with “perceived Unjust causes”…..Like “violation of my private side rights”…or “draconian government”….or “rich elite bastards”…or some other CONCOCTED EXCUSE.

I have said for years that Our Lives are like an Airplane DECOMPRESSION Event….and you must put on your “oxygen mask” first; before you can help anyone.  If ‘we” were not born into Some Elite Governing Family…like say John and Abigail Adams who trained John Quincy Adams to be an Ambassador to France at age 14….then Acquiring Immunity via Self Governance requires accepting this Responsibility.   Filling in the blanks with Perceptions versus “versus “suspending Judgement and Testing ALL THINGS” to GAIN PERSPECTIVE….is the same as trying to drive a car without knowing how or ever driving a car.   We must TEST to see if the Base Subconscious H-D Program WAS LOADED PROPERLY.  This now means questioning “the original Programmers” (mom and dad)….along with All Teachers, Preachers, (perceived) Friend and (perceived) Enemies, Business Associates, and both the Controlled Media and the (no)Alternative Media…and what I called the “FB-YT ANTI SOCIAL MEDIA.  

This is not easy for MOST PEOPLE.   It requires Acceptances of All of our Previous Failures to Test All Things, and to Self Govern….and accepting all of the failures of our past bloodline or familial predecessors that Failed to do the Same…and therefore left us in the such a Condition of Abject Slavery and Servitude.

Otherwise; what I mostly here is “religious b.s.; aka B.ELIEF S.YSTEM rhetoric” that “we must be saved”.   I always ask these folks…”Save from What?”  The answer: OURSELVES.

David Williams’ MAXIM…”Extreme times call for Extreme Knowledge and Action…and only “right knowledge combined with Right Action Create POWER”.   AND…”if the Scale is out of balance, you must add Counter-Weight”. 

Bryan Tracy Maxim:  “Life is an obstacle course, and we are our obstacle”.
This response is long.   I suppose I was “feeling” the need to “think” a little more Philosophical about your query; because I’m always analyzing and reasoning WHAT HOLDS PEOPLE BACK FROM DOING WHAT IS CLEARLY NECESSARY.