Links in the Reference Section
That “image” is FAKE. Black Holes…if such did exist…ARE ROUND LIKE A BALL. Therefore the “event horizon” is SPHERICAL like almost every object in space. Since the event horizon is “round” and Light would “fall into it”…FROM EVERY CONCEIVABLE ANGLE, just as light is emitted from every conceivable angle by the SUN…you cannot “see” into a Black Hole. It has been known for years and it has been published in many scientific journals that NO ONE CAN SEE PAST THE EVENT HORIZON. Whether the light is sent out from every angle….or drawn in from every angle…all that anyone would see is a “ball of light”.
Black Hole “theory” has likewise been DEBUNKED. Infinite gravity that goes “infinitely” would SUCK THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE into it…very quickly…because as the “infinite power” grew exponential and then entered into geometric progression…It would suck in planets, stars, solar systems, and then entire galaxies. INFINITE POWER…cannot be measured…and NO FORCE can repel it.
Graphic Artists have been doing “disc-shaped” renditions for 117 years…since THE THEORY was espoused. The same thing that is true of Black Holes is true of the Big Bang Theory. But, MEN hate giving up their “religion”. Theo-ry comes from Theos…and it means “god”. This is the HOLY GRAIL… this is the so-called “scientist god”.
I was in the Navy Nuclear Power program…and if not an “expert”; I am very well trained in this science. As a child, I wanted to be an Astronomer. By age 9, my bedroom walls were covered with star charts and solar maps of planets, comets, etc.
I am not one to just espouse anything for the sake of argument. I debunked that “photo-shopped” image on my website within days of it coming out. Many people were very upset…as I pulled up science journal after science article after youtube presentation…to validate my claim.
However, simplicity is always best. The Theory is based on “collapsed stars”. Stars are round…and therefore, do not form a “disc”. Since the “hole is round”….the event horizon is round; just like “our horizon” actually being round. (despite the new “movement” that clams the earth is flat).
Bottom line…since light cannot “escape the hole” (allegedly)….it is impossible to photograph anything “black” on the “black” backdrop of space.
People will believe anything…but I don’t. There is a command to TEST ALL THINGS….and STUDY TO SHOW YOURSELF APPROVED. This does not only apply to one thing. It applies to everything. Be shrewd/smart as serpents….harmless as a dove. (paragraph 2) “This is because the light that the object is emitting is having a tougher and tougher time escaping the black hole’s gravity. And since light cannot escape from inside an event horizon, you’d never be able to see a signal that the object fell past it.”
According to theory, within a black hole, there’s something called a singularity. A singularity is what all the matter in a black hole gets crushed into. Some people talk about it as a point of infinite density at the center of the black hole, but that’s probably wrong — true, it’s what classical physics tells us is there, but the singularity is also where classical physics breaks down, so we shouldn’t trust what it says here.
IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN DOING SERIOUS RESEARCH TO “TEST” THIS “THING”….(and these “scientists” all except a Creator..not these ‘atheist deceivers’) then you can watch the Youtube videos posted below in the Reference Section.
“In PRIMER FIELDS video series; the currently accepted theories of physics and astrophysics are shaken to the core by a radical new theory of the fundamental forces in all matter. You will see what the Ancients knew when seeing the Oculus of Heaven in the Pantheon and other structures. You will be amazed as a magnetic model of the dome at CERN is used to create a 100 mm diameter plasma Sun with a 300 mm diameter equatorial disc of plasma around it!”
(this is about the “energy of the Universe”…..ONE VERSE…ONE WORD…ONE SONG….EL….the EL–ect….ELECT–TRI-SETI… from Mentis = Mind and EL = The Mighty One; EL/AL – E/I – MENT….literally “From the Mind of EL”.