You requested my comments on your email. Are you absolutely sure that you want it…because you’re not going to like it; UNLESS YOU WANT TRUTH.
here goes…as short and sweet as I can make it.
ANNA VON WRONGZ IS A LIAR…and a “legal lunatic”. (she’s the worst and the easiest to “debunk and expose” because she claims to be a “former Postal Judge”…and no such position exist now or in the past…and she has NEVER WORKED FOR THE POSTAL OFFICE in such CAPACITY).
APRIL LE JEUNE IS A LIAR…and a legal lunatic.
They are both “chum for the waters” of the Agency Dragnets…to “pull in the fish that TOOK THE BAIT”.
I get calls and emails from people who are either going to prison and/or who have LOST EVERYTHING….due the ILLEGAL ACTIVITY of these “alleged legal processes”.
Why do I get these calls?
Because I am “and HAVE BEEN” (for 14 years) …the “guy”…the “dude”….the former “I told you so, Idiot”…that people call AFTER listening to all THE PROMOTERS of these “alleged gurus” and THEIR LIES, falsehoods, and fake/illegal processes.
You do understand “who you’re dealing with”….right? Do you need a list of people (that I know) who are either currently in prison or have been in prison…for this “illegal activity”?
GUARDIANS OF THE REPUBLIC ARE LIARS about “taking back America via The Restore America Plan”…and most of them are now in prison. MONTANA FREEMAN WERE LIARS about taking back America…and most of them get 25 to 28 years in prison. CREDITORS IN COMMERCE ARE LIARS about the SPC and UCC redemption process…and most of them are now in prison, including the “Great Gordon Hall” (25+ term) who stole 1.4 Million in Assets from an “acquaintance” of mine in South Carolina. This “friend” also got 18 months; for following court procedures of “The Great Gordon Hall”. JEDIS IN COMMERCE ARE LIARS…and most of them are now in prison.
“THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1781 ARE LIARS…and PROMOTING FRAUD….although they have not gone to prison as yet….for the fraud and lies that they promote. (But…they will be the next fish in the Dragnet.)
This SO-CALLED “spc” PROCESS…is illegal. It does nothing to change your STATUS or “get you out” of anything. IT IS EXTANT….in the US Code, the Law of Nations, the 1933 Montevideo Convention on Nationality; and United States Case Law….that…”the only way to divest oneself of United States citizenship is by undergoing a Naturalization Process” in a separate Nation/state”.
Since you have not talked to me, purchased the DVDs wherein I DEMOLISH ALL OF THIS NONSENSE….then my recommendation is that you go watch the youtube channel VIRGO TRIAD. She does the best job at exposing the 2 LIARS and “legal lunatics” that you mentioned.
I don’t know who you are talking to….or learning this minutia from….but, “if” you want me to debate them and show them THE FALLACY of the “fraud” that they are promoting…and why their “process” is ILLEGAL ACTIVITY….then I will. But…I’ll just inform you that “this paperwork” violates THE US CONSTITUTION whereby Congress can pass “ALL LAWS NECESSARY AND PROPER”….which is rolled down into the Code at 18 USC 243, 1001, 1003, and 1005…just to name a couple.
The States, under the U.S.A. FOUNDER’S Articles of Confederation….did not pay “their international war debt” and those ARTICLES were thrown in the trash by THE VERY MEN THAT WROTE THOSE ARTICLES….so that they could write a New Charter (called Their Constitution)…THAT WOULD GUARANTEE payment of the International Revolutionary War DEBT.
None of this was done “for you”…and “it ain’t about you”….except to the degree that you “have pledged your allegiance to their Compact and the government for WHOM it Stands….ie: “by who..and “for” who IT WAS CREATED.
You are not….and were not….and never will be “One of those People”….by claiming THEIR COMPACT (known as CONSTITUTIONs)….whether it is US, Washington, Oregon, or any other State or Possession of the United States.
THIS IS REAL….and People who are ‘NOT 100% CORRECT IN COURT”….are deemed incompetent….and will be punished by fines, imprisonment, or both.