[12:31:07 AM]
David Williams: drop the stopping foreclosures, because you cannot stop a foreclosure these days; the banks are ramping up with new employees to handle the overload and people will be going out on their heads for dishonoring their agreements….if you haven’t seen this…you need to understand that banks are financial agents of the government and you are interfering with their contracts. U.S.C. Title 12: 90
[12:32:26 AM]
Dario Busch: so for someone facing a foreclosure sale next week this s*&t will help them out, with me? I understand what you are saying, but time is money, at least they get more time
[12:32:50 AM]
David Williams: Well that will stop when they get ready to crush the system down and little more and put the allegedly “illegals” Mexicans, who they’re going to make “legal”…. into those vacant houses who will pay a mortgage.
[12:33:27 AM]
David Williams: all I am telling you is that the other products don’t raise a flag, but that one does.
[12:33:35 AM]
Dario Busch: just for the bank to file “relief of automatic stay”. have you seen my templates for the foreclosure stuff?
[12:34:21 AM]
David Williams: no
[12:34:28 AM]
Dario Busch: it don’t challenge anything, just asks to see the entire file which the bank refuses to do and you can drag on the sale almost forever like the Barber has done….. i’ll send you an example, hang on
[12:35:22 AM]
David Williams: the only thing that is stopping banks at this point is that they don’t want to report more toxic assets than necessary
[12:35:37 AM]
Dario Busch: I agree
[12:36:03 AM]
Dario Busch: but that buys the homeowner time and time is what is worth $ with me? It’s a life raft, not a boat
[12:36:21 AM]
David Williams: doesn’t matter….what is eventually going to happen is that people like Barber will go to prison for creating a constructive fraud.
[12:37:21 AM]
David Williams: when anyone signs a mortgage; they are guilty of two crimes and two frauds that are worth up to 30 years in prison and up 1 million in fines. We did the document: IT’S ALL CRIMINAL BY DESIGN
[12:37:48 AM]
Dario Busch: there is no fraud, just asking questions the bank avoids to answer and wins time, that’s all, let me send it to you and you let me know your feedback, how do I send this on Skype? let me see
[12:38:05 AM]
David Williams: you are not listening or understanding; which means that you have not watched my presentation
[12:38:07 AM]
Dario Busch: send me that pdf too if you can please… yes I am listening and understanding…my stuff is not a solution, just a bandaid
[12:39:04 AM]
Dario Busch: their option is to either sink on next weeks foreclosure or wing it and swim with the sharks.
[12:39:37 AM]
Dario Busch: like eating a McDonalds hamburger, it will eventually kill you but you don’t starve to death today
[12:40:09 AM]
David Williams: when anyone goes into the bank to get a mortgage, that person has committed a crime before they ever close on the property, and since there is no statute of limitations on fraud…if the government wants to, they can lock anyway up who has a mortgage….because they committed fraud to get it
[12:40:30 AM]
Dario Busch: but will they play that card?
[12:40:50 AM]
David Williams: they already do…have, and will…i have seen it
[12:41:59 AM]
Dario Busch: here are the 2 documents that kept barber in the house for 2 years, why has his bank not responded then?
[12:42:29 AM]
David Williams: i just told you, the banks have too many toxic assets on their books at the moment
[12:42:52 AM]
Dario Busch: I will again, but I did, what would be the solution then, just capitulate and get out of the house before the foreclosure,…. with kids and dogs and all to motel 8?
[12:42:58 AM]
David Williams: they are maintaining the illusion so that China will still buy US bonds and mortgage backed assets….But, China has been granted imminent domain by and in the United States….China is the next Empire that THEY are building… will swallow the US through these multi TRILLION debts and bailouts that China is financing; but eventually what are these people going to do….they must ‘GET INTO BUSINESS’…and earnings mode. They need MORE…not to just learn how to avoid responsibility…..the answer is to learn how to EARN MORE, KEEP MORE, AND MAKE IT GROW
[12:43:37 AM]
Dario Busch: I agree with you 100% , well, then, as long as we market it as a bandaid and then educate them with your presentation?
[12:43:57 AM]
David Williams: what are they going to do when they eventually get kicked out
[12:44:19 AM]
David Williams: I have seen people in these battle for years and still get booted out of the house…..because they failed to honor the mortgage contract….YOU SEEM TO FORGET….they have a contract and agreement…….and it might be based on fraud….but every person who ever signed a mortgage document…. including me…..committed FRAUD first……if that person didn’t understand the contract…..OH SO SORRY
[12:44:31 AM]
Dario Busch: hopefully we can teach them to make money before that happens, that is why STALLING is needed, no?
[12:45:00 AM]
David Williams: they still don’t understand that they have to use the business and tech enhancements in the system to create resources to eventually come out of the system
[12:45:22 AM]
David Williams: stalling doesn’t reach a solution
[12:45:23 AM]
Dario Busch: so if this stuff can keep them in the house for 6 months or 6 years and we focus in making them money, which will make us money, that could work, agree?
[12:45:43 AM]
David Williams: but, i only suggested that you not sell that product currently in your condition; tell them where to get it…but don’t promote it…you’re being watched
[12:46:29 AM]
Dario Busch: so should I still just GIVE AWAY the freedom, foreclosure, strawman and all that stuff away and only charge for The Money Manual and tele / web seminars?
[12:46:53 AM]
Dario Busch: like a “look at what can be done” type of attitude on my blog?
[12:47:23 AM]
Dario Busch: that way we can cross market with your $27/mo membership?
[12:47:27 AM]
David Williams: Protected: How to: Make Money Making Friends (MLM)
Protected: How to: Make Money Trading Futures
Protected: How to: Make Money Flipping Houses with OPM
Protected: How to: Make Money Brokering Mortgages
Protected: How to: Make Money Accelerating Debt
[12:47:36 AM]
David Williams: nothing wrong with any of this…but, everyone needs my info…I am not arrogant about it, but I only of two others that have done what I did
[12:48:24 AM]
Dario Busch: so the “free(dom) templates still free with the understanding that it is just temporary stalling so that they can make money and get ahead that way?
[12:49:10 AM]
David Williams: and no one else that has a plan to escape the Matrix; I am not a messiah…people must save themselves….education is the key….and when people come together as “THE STATE” there is strength in numbers……then you operate by THE AGREEMENT
David Williams: you don’t buckle and you don’t waiver, even if THEY have more firepower
[12:50:40 AM]
Dario Busch: agree, but education takes time, and I have hundreds of people that need help by next week or they will be homeless, capicce?
[12:51:11 AM]
David Williams: well…have them pay you and send them the docs….but don’t market it openly, I just personally think it’s a waste of time; and that “time” is running out anywhere; and people are scared, lazy and lethargic…..they’re looking at a train coming right at them….and stand there to get hit.
[12:52:07 AM]
David Williams: even if they submit this paperwork….if they are questioned in court and don’t understand it and cannot articulate it in court the judge will throw it out
[12:53:33 AM]
David Williams: too many people want something for nothing….and for someone else to bail them out
[12:53:40 AM]
Dario Busch: that is why we have to train them, to understand and articulate
[12:55:23 AM]
Dario Busch: so you are basically saying that the constitution is gone and that we are just slaves that have no chance and there is no law nor case law that can save us?
[12:55:40 AM]
David Williams: the constitution is not gone….
[12:55:57 AM]
David Williams: but you didn’t sign it and you are not “Posterity” of the founders
[12:56:05 AM]
David Williams: therefore it does not apply to you and about 350 million americans
[12:56:21 AM]
Dario Busch: I understand that, but, it does limit government and gives them rules to abide by, right?
[12:56:51 AM]
David Williams: it does not limit s*(t
[12:57:00 AM]
Dario Busch: it is not about our constitutional rights, it is about their constitutional violations…so you are basically saying that the constitution is gone and that we are just slaves that have no chance and there is no law nor case law that can save us?
[12:57:32 AM]
David Williams: Article 1 sect 8; it states that they can pass ‘ALL LAWS NECESSARY”
[12:57:47 AM]
[12:58:59 AM]
David Williams: To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the government of the United States, or in any department or officer thereof. Section 9.
[12:59:16 AM]
David Williams: do you see that word: NECESSARY??
[12:59:48 AM]
David Williams: it’s called a ‘CATCH ALL PHRASE” which means this…if there is something “we” missed….we’ll catch it later