[1:00:22 AM]
Dario Busch: ya, but, the foreclosure docs are not challenging any laws, just asking for the bank to produce the file… there is plenty of case law about driver license not being needed, international law and civil rights, protocol, and all that stuff on my site that must aply still or this is just not america and a revolution will be on the way as soon as the sheeple get a clue?
[1:00:56 AM]
David Williams: there is only one issue….’DO YOU HAVE STANDING TO STATE THE CLAIM”? AND THE ANSWER IS …..NO; and JP Morgan told them ‘god would not have made sheep if he did not intend for them to be shorn. Most people will get shorn, because they act like sheep and want to be led to the slaughter…if they didn’t want that…they would change.
[1:01:30 AM]
Dario Busch: that’s what they do, I agree, but we keep hammering the problem and ultimately understanding when the people need practical quick solutions right now even though it is not the ultimate
[1:01:33 AM]
David Williams: civil rights are “GRANTED” by the sovereign and therefore can be ‘Un-GRANTED”….and there are no “quick solutions” to that….Education is the KEY. The first of three Keys (3)
[1:02:41 AM]
Dario Busch: if the answer is NO to standing, then it is hopeless, how to gain standing?
[1:02:48 AM]
David Williams: the only way to acquire STANDING is to assume total responsibility to self govern….and ASSUME YOUR SEPARATE AND EQUAL STATION AMONG THE POWERS OF THE EARTH
[1:03:16 AM]
David Williams: it’s all about responsibility to pledge to build something new
[1:03:28 AM]
David Williams: THEY are not required to “do it for you”
[1:03:37 AM]
Dario Busch: so in one sentence, what is the solution and is it possible for Joe Shmoe from Kokomo?
[1:04:04 AM]
Dario Busch: this is not about the ‘COMMON MAN”….. it is about the UN-COMMON MAN; or at a minimum…the common man doing “uncommon things”
[1:04:19 AM]
Dario Busch: so what is the solution?
[1:04:38 AM]
David Williams: the common man is an idiot….a flea to the Powers… who does not accept TOTAL RESPONSIBILITY or the Right of Self Determination, and fails to seekSelf-Governance. Look at what the “common man” is d0ing in Greece. Not just killing these three INNOCENT Bank Tellers….but dragging them in the street and burning them. Think it won’t happen here.
[1:05:13 AM]
Dario Busch: but not for Joe shmoe from Kokomo?
[1:06:08 AM]
Dario Busch: Joe will pay us for the solution… and for any other products we sell to Joe… but if Joe is homeless and penniless… we go down too without paper money
[1:06:10 AM]
David Williams: what the heck has “joe shmoe” ever done, other than ask for a privilege or benefit that he didn’t really earn? If Joe is homeless and penniless….it means he never accepted the RESPONSIBILITY to self-govern
[1:06:57 AM]
Dario Busch: so… screw Joe, then? What do we do without Joe s $ to buy our products?
[1:07:08 AM]
David Williams: Look….this is bigger than that. The universe is about choice…as NEO said in the Matrix….the problem is choice. Do you think that Joe got there by accident
[1:08:15 AM]
David Williams: or because he just wanted to work as a slave for some corporation that he INSTINCTIVELY knew was going to screw him
[1:08:51 AM]
David Williams: i hear all the time from these corporate idiots…. well my company screwed us again” Crap, do they have to have a house fall on them?
[1:08:56 AM]
David Williams: ANSWER: YES THEY DO. People are thick…and worse, most are lazy. As I said, getting out of the Matrix is not about the Common man….MATRIX SOLUTIONS is about the Uncommon. Uncommon Deeds….uncommon acts….uncommon knowledge. Do you want to “rise up and fight”; or “Rise up to a different playing field altogether?” Do you want to be lumped in with Joe and “his Posterity”….or do you want to do something spectacular and unprecedented for YOURSELF AND YOUR POSTERITY.
[1:09:06 AM]
David Williams: THE CHOICE IS YOURS.
[1:09:20 AM]
Dario Busch: I understand the fundamentals, but, we are talking about life here and now… then… what is the solution we can sell to Joe?
[1:09:23 AM]
David Williams: Dario, let “Joe” make his own decisions. I am not here to fleece people. Most of them think that their govt is GOD. If that what they want; and they fail to take responsibility, then you cannot help them. Dust your shoes off.
[1:09:57 AM]
David Williams: in the words of Aristotle when asked the difference between the educated and the uneducated….he said; “the same as between the living and the dead.”
[1:10:17 AM]
David Williams: I grew up on a farm, Dario. I was the least likely to learn everything I learned
[1:10:55 AM]
David Williams: but my will is close to indomitable and I tapped into a ton of help from ‘above”….yahweh is supreme….and people are “praying” or “preying” to some generic “god” ….that they don’t understand…….every NAME has a meaning and a reason…..that the meaning and reason were taken from people because of their own failures….and their participation with THE UNRIGHTEOUS KING’ or “unrighteous government”…..and “the people/sheep” are guilty by association for all these war atrocities around the world; yet they act like it doesn’t apply universally to them….but YAHWEH is watching, and collusion with this “wicked governmental system” is like a TAR-BABY…. universally it sticks to you like glue The question is ask in Psalms 94: 20…..HOW CAN YOU BE ALLIED WITH THE UNRIGHTEOUS KING?
[1:11:09 AM]
David Williams: I was not the way that I am now….when I was growing up
[1:11:15 AM]
David Williams: I learned, and studied and “tested all things” related to my “contracts and agreements” on this planet… other words…I improved and I changed…..I didn’t ask that the system to change [because that violates people’s free will to be in collusion with the “wicked government that frames all of its evil by decree”]
[1:11:33 AM]
David Williams: …..but I am 49 now…and I don’t even remember who that “25 year old David” was
[1:12:08 AM]
David Williams: help these people with their “foreclosures’ and little menial problems if you want…but I have better things to do…and “JOE SHMOE” has much bigger problems come at him in the next 2 years than foreclosure. Inflation is going to go to 300%; bio-chips are coming….and their agreement to pay these “bailouts and national debts” are going to bury them all.
[1:12:39 AM]
David Williams: If the sheeple didn’t understand the ancient maxim: “the borrower is SLAVE to the lender”and after going to churches for 200 years in “America”and reading that bible for 2000 year, then all I can say to them is “do you best”….but ‘get off your lazy ass and LEARN SOMETHING”. DO IT…whatever “it” is. Maybe this might be called “tough love”….but that is this universe. Here….maybe you can get something from this link…..
[1:14:16 AM]
Dario Busch: dude, I understand the maxim, they screwed up, we all did, we are all swimming amongst the sharks, we are slaves, but after all that sinks in the heads…
[1:11:21 AM]
Dario Busch: so what solution can we sell to Joe here and now to stop their foreclosure next week and defend themselves against court oppression?
[1:14:21 AM]
David Williams: If “Joe” is broke; what should you sell him. Another lie? Look, I don’t like to see people suffer….however; who is responsible for your choice to believe in lies”? YOU ARE.
[1:14:44 AM]
David Williams: AND…..I don’t see very many doing anything but bitchin’ …and that does not work. People say that they believe all this stuff…but don’t act. They say that they believe
[1:15:18 AM]
David Williams: BIBLE: be as SHREWD/smart as a serpent…but as harmless as a dove
[1:15:36 AM]
David Williams: Bible: STUDY….STUDY…STUDY…to show yourself approved
[1:15:57 AM]
David Williams: Bible: MY people are destroyed for lack of knowledge,…but
[1:16:18 AM]
David Williams: because you reject knowledge, I/Yahweh will reject you as my priest…see….most people love “half sentences”….but not me….If you reject knowledge….you get rejected…it’s a universal principle
[1:17:20 AM]
David Williams: and I didn’t make it up….i just read it and apply it…because I did not want to be the one rejected….and there’s more;
[1:17:38 AM]
David Williams: BIble; “SEE ISRAEL”
[1:17:52 AM]
[1:18:17 AM]
David Williams: no one “forced” them to sign a mortgage and commit fraud
[1:18:31 AM]
David Williams: they were lazy …and didn’t read the contract
[1:18:40 AM]
David Williams: I was guilty until age 40
[1:18:44 AM]
David Williams: but i changed
[1:19:27 AM]
David Williams: MAXIM; “the pen is mightier than the sword”
[1:19:37 AM]
David Williams: so learn the ways of the pen…and not the sword
[1:21:08 AM]
David Williams: i recently had a friend tell me …”you’re like a sniper or clean up man…sent behind enemy lines to clean up the s*(t
[1:21:41 AM]
David Williams: even the courts couldn’t believe it….they watched
[1:21:58 AM]
David Williams: but most around me went to prison, because they wanted to change the system
[1:22:07 AM]
David Williams: I am not here to change them….I am here to change me….and I am looking for others of like mind…as it says…”For LASTING PEACE, men of good will must unite and organize. Am I looking for “bad will”….i.e. sloth and laziness and people that refuse to study; and people that refuse to “go to peace”.
[1:22:31 AM]
David Williams: I understood that peace was the answer
[1:23:13 AM]
David Williams: and that even those wearing uniforms are just as ignorant as everyone else….but they are still my ‘BREATH-REN”
[1:24:14 AM]
David Williams: I dont’ like the system or the misrepresentation…but I do understand why people must be governed when they refuse to self-govern
[1:24:39 AM]
Dario Busch: yep, I want peace too, I hear you, but after all that sinks in the heads… what is the solution we can offer Joe so we can make money and get Joe out of the jam and keep him in his house even if temporarily? There are 300,000 foreclosures a month originated
[1:24:48 AM]
David Williams: it is crueler than i think it should be…and I have a lot of questions for the Creator….but that comes later
[1:25:50 AM]
David Williams: you are placing attacks on the system…because banks are AGENTS OF THE SYSTEM …. they are watching what you do, even now. I know you are monitored….but don’t think for one instance that I am not monitored ….every single day and every single key stroke
[1:26:41 AM]
Dario Busch: I know they are watching, that’s why compliance is paramount
[1:27:01 AM]
Dario Busch: compliance has always been paramount
[1:27:19 AM]
David Williams: so what if people lose a house and have to move….it is not the end of the world
[1:28:32 AM]
Dario Busch: I always play by the rules, even though they don’t I play by the rules, laws, codes, case law, etc. But what I see as obvious you are rocking and that is what I need to find the ultimate solution, which i think you and me can provide to a number of people
[1:28:33 AM]
David Williams: the problem is paradigms….KNOWLEDGE IS SUPREME AND THE MOST VALUABLE COMMODITY ON THIS PLANET..Ignorance is dangerous and is the least valuable commodity on this planet…..BUT, people love buying stupid and being stupid…stupid sells on the order of billions, if not trillions per day, globally just watch TV; people love stupid….rape, murder, incest, adultery, sports(distraction), gladiators, wrestling, boxing, bloodsport, massive car crashes from guys driving 500 miles in a circle, solving the murder with CSI American Idolatry….TURNED OVER to the worship of their ‘STARS”; sports stars, movie Stars, music Stars, Political Stars, Rock Stars, Wrestling Stars,…..entertainment, mood altering and mind-numbing nonsense….. because they are either lazy or believe that IGNORANCE IS BLISS…..well Welcome to EARTH….a planet of complete and utter bliss.
[1:29:11 AM]
David Williams: And…..playing by “whose rules”….? their rules??? they change the rules for slaves
[1:29:44 AM]
David Williams: but not among the family of nations via the law/treaty of nations
[1:29:48 AM]
David Williams: that does not change….not for those that have STANDING and keep Honor