Why MUST you come out? Because the Law of Nature; ie: the Law of Nations….states that once you come to the age discretion, if you don’t find it advantageous to remain within the State/Society for which you were destined by birth, then you are at liberty to QUIT IT. If you don’t exercise self-determination and become a part of a self-governing Society and “nation” State; then you have not “quit it”….or done anything “necessary and proper” to your own cause. Everything you do from that point forward is a trespass across Contract Rights that you don’t have.
This is correct file for trust termination, windup and distribution of the interest its that simple into a court of equity
You never consented to have your name registered. Look up subrogation rights
Subrogation Explained
Why MUST you come out? Because the Law of Nature; ie: the Law of Nations….states that once you come to the age discretion, if you don’t find it advantageous to remain within the State/Society for which you were destined by birth, then you are at liberty to QUIT IT. If you don’t exercise self-determination and become a part of a self-governing Society and “nation” State; then you have not “quit it”….or done anything “necessary and proper” to your own cause. Everything you do from that point forward is a trespass across Contract Rights that you don’t have.
Yep….that’s sounds just like me…..and your comment about this statement is as follows…..
This is correct file for trust termination, windup and distribution of the interest its that simple into a court of equity
You never consented to have your name registered. Look up subrogation rights
I’m assuming that you sent in this comment…because I “apparently” don’t understand CREDITOR-DEBTOR LAW…and/or “how the system works”. That would be the FARM or FAR Matrix….or Federal Acquisition Regulation System and “the Provision and Clause Matrix” formula that “operate THE SYSTEM” per CFR #48. Does this sound about right? That “I don’t get it”…? Allow me to further assume; based on your comment.
So, you have basically told me that “I don’t know what I’m doing”…or in the alternative (that) “you know something that I don’t because I have never looked up the word: SUBROGATION (and, of course, you know this for a fact). Further, it is within your knowledge that during the 17+ years that I’ve been filing claims against banks and the IRS, and against US Attorneys, and teaching, educating, deprogramming, reprogramming…and exercising Self-Determination, whereby I have Assumed my Separate and Equal Station among the Powers of the Earth…and afterwards, I received recognition from the United States and its District Courts and other Foreign Governments/States/Nations for doing so.
Is this your position? That I “missed something”…? That I don’t understand “how Sovereign Ewe are”…? And that “you are the Creditor and not the Debtor”…?
Is this your position?
I already know it is…or you would not have made the arrogant assumption that “I don’t know what subrogation is”…and “why you are qualified to subrogate” Their Trust. And, I already know that “based on your lingo” and how you didn’t address me; and you didn’t sign this “bilge tripe” that you wrote…that you really have little respect for “any of your brethren”…and that you have an “I’m always right…and everyone else is always wrong” personality glitch. Before I explain to you how “you are wrong”…’s a video link “ON BEING WRONG”. I don’t care whether you watch it…I just assume that you SHOULD.
I’ll give you “the answer” AND correct your fallacies and fallacious thinking about “subrogation”….and then you can go do “whatever you feel you NEED TO DO”.
Subrogation is….the assumption by a third party (such as a second creditor or an insurance company) of another’s legal right to collect a debt or damages
I already know what “subrogation” means; and you are not “the second creditor” over the “military occupation Cestui Que Vue trust” that was set-up for Ewe, the living man/slave…to use. You did not create the Trust or the Corp Name. or the Corp’s 9-digit Bank Routing Trust Number (the S- Sin Number). The Sovereign Posterity of the United States is/are the Grantor(s), the Administration is the Trustee, the Queen and her heirs are the Beneficiaries.
You are the “beneficial interest” party that “takes a share of Their Trust”….in order to feed yourself and your family (if you have one). It is similar to the concept of allowing slaves to eat some corn while picking corn FOR THEIR MASTER.
In the code; the beneficial interest party….whether they exercise any power as the beneficial interest holder or DO NOT exercise any power as the beneficial interest holder; is THE ADVERSE PARTY. This is by “agreement” within the definitions of the Administrative Agency that “oversees” the “accounting and account-ability” of the slave that is “using Their Trust”.
They did not “register” your name. They created a 9-digit bank routing number and assigned a Corporate Trust name to the “account”. Then “They” assigned a CAPITAL LETTER NAME to the Corporate Trust Account. This created a “shelf Trust Corporation” for you to “take down and use” upon your alleged ascension to the “Age of Discretion” and you then became the “living party” that is the “prime mover” and, therefore, ADVERSE PARTY….and “enemy of the State” under Martial Law Rule and Occupation. It is why you go get “an occupation” and “urn wages”…..because you’re using USURY in your “movement of Their Trust”.
This makes you guilty of “using a 9 to 1 Ponzi Fraud” to “feed yourself” and to do “busy-ness”. Since you are the ADVERSE PARTY and Enemy of the State that has participated in the Trust in order to assist in the building of a Global Military Complex that has been “shedding innocent blood” around the World in the NAME OF YOUR SOCIAL CONTRACT….ie: your “allegiance to the Compact”….then you have NO CLAIM IN EQUITY; because the “clean hands doctrine” kicks your claim out immediately.
Your “false assumption” that ‘”YOUR NAME” is “your name” versus being “THE TRUST NAME” with a Bank Routing Number that is “the property of the Social Security Administration” (as it stipulates on the SS Card, n the code, and in the Contract…that THE NAME, THE NUMBER, and THE CARD are property of the SSA)….is going to land you into a “world of hurt” should you start making false Subrogation Claims.
But….by all means…GO FOR IT. Let me know how that works out for ya.
My name is “my name”….and “they” don’t have it. “They” never did. All “They” needed to “have jurisdiction” was the fact that I was a “subject-citizen-debtor-slave” by my voluntary consent and acquiescence to “follow the condition of my father(s)” and “NOT QUIT” it when I reached “age of majority” within the Social Compact/Society.
I can assure you of one thing…..”if” you think that you have a TORT CLAIM, since Tort is the “exclusion remedy”…..then I suggest that you use it to “state to a candid world your reasons for BREAKING THE SOCIAL CONTRACT and political bands that “have tied you to that Society”..and thereafter ASSUME AMONG THE POWERS OF THE EARTH YOUR SEPARATE AND EQUAL STATION… order to acquire “Status and Standing” to actually state any claim….BEFORE you go filing some alleged Tort of the subrogation claim.
In other words….”if” you have any valid claim against the “State” or Society that seems to “have dissolved itself” and you have discovered that it is “no longer advantageous to you”…then the ONLY PROCESS available and/or acceptable is to FILE YOUR TORT ON THE WAY OUT THE DOOR.
Otherwise, continue on as a Slave/Cow and file your “subrogation claim” against the STATE TO WHICH YOU BELONG….in order to heap said claim onto the National Debt, thereby putting said claim on the backs of the US Taxpayers…so that “you can USE THE FRAUD AGAINST THE FRAUD”.
As I stated…let me know how that works out for ya….based on this FALSE ASSUMPTION that The State Registered “your name” as YOUR NAME.
EWE WERE BORN A SLAVE, NEO…..or didn’t you get the message.? Thousands of years of Slavery on this planet….and “no trust”…” no Banking”….and no need for anything remotely looking like “subrogation”….and now you “falsely think” that you “found a loophole” where you can claim “someone else’s Trust”.???
if you ever want o “actually get out of that State” by “getting into a different State”…per the protocols laid down for centuries for Exercising Self Determination; and have an interest in “working together” versus telling me “where I am wrong”…..write me back and we can begin a “real dialogue”; instead of assuming that I don’t know what the word “subrogation” means or “how the FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATION MATRIX works”. I understand the F.A.R.M. very well and I don’t make false assumptions when it comes to “filing claims on property” that I didn’t “create”.
In the meantime, I have suggestions. 1) Until you’ve actually done something; like Assume Your Separate and Equal Station Among the Powers of the Earth; try to be a little more diplomatic towards those that have….and have received recognition for doing so. Myself and 20 others sued the IRS and the US government FOR TORT (no “money”) in order to establish that ‘THE SYSTEM” is “distorted, twisted, and fraudulent”…so that we would have evidence of the Tort NECESSARY to “state to a Candid World” our reasons for breaking the political bands that “bound us to THEIR SYSTEM”. 2) Stop assuming that “you’re Sovereign and the Creditor”…..because YOU’RE NOT. You have no record whatsoever that you’re anything other than a “debt slave” that “voluntarily PERFORMED on and within the Social Contract”…whereby you have AN OATH OF ALLEGIANCE to the “E Pluribus Unum” State called America. If you’re ‘using” anything that your Master created and therefore “exempted” itself (himself/herself) from by being the Master who got the co-operation and agreement/acquiescence of the Slaves…then you are guilty of USURY without having any “Variation by Agreement” or “Modification of Treaty” that makes you “Immune” or gives you Immunity from the liability of said USURY….within Their Trade-Usury….ie: Their Treasury.
Finally, I also suggest that you look up “idem sonans” so that you understand “proper registration” and can figure out what YOUR ONE NAME actually is.
The doctrine of “idem sonans” has been much enlarged by modern decisions, to conform to the growing rule that a variance, to be material, must be such as has misled the opposite party to his prejudice. State v. White,34 S. C. 59, 12 S. E. 001, 27 Am. St. Rep. 783.